Best Towers Under $4,000 / pair

I am in the market for a new set of towers. Currently I am running some older Celestions and it is time to upgrade. My amp/pre-amp are Mcintosh Solid State (MX119 & MC252).

50% of my listening will be old rock & country LPs
20% CDs and/or digital sources
30% Home Theater

I will by new or slightly used and would like to stay under $4000, most preferably under $2500.

I am considering, but haven't yet auditioned.

PSB Synchrony 2
Paradigm Signature S6
Paradigm Studio 100
Gallo Reference 3.1
B&W 700 series (New)
B&W 800 Series (Used)
Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand or Beethoven Baby Grand
Von Schweikert VR-2 (Used)

I am new to the forum here and I understand that my ears will ultimately make the decision, but I would like to hear any helpful comments or recommendations.

Thanks for your help
Of that list the Vienna Acoustics are the runaway favorites, for my sonic pallete, which doesn't have to be yours.

The speakers conspicuously missing from your list, it seems to me, are the Joseph Audio RM25si and the DeVore Gibbon-8 or, if you can make it fit the budget, the Super-8. My personal list in your size and budget would also include Spendor s8e's, but again, that may be a taste issue as much as anything.

The one thing you didn't mention was the room: A pair of DeVore-8's will sound way better than a pair of Spendor s8e's, in a narrow room with hardwood floors. Just the opposite in a big, wall-to-wall carpeted space with a huge set of sliding glass doors along the back.
Vandersteen 3A Sigs (own them so obviously bisaed:)

I listen to lots of my old rock and some County LP's, and am far from disappointed. In fact, some of these are my personal favorites for demoing to friends (as we are in our mid 40's and love the shock on their face when I play a LP i bought in 79 while in high school.

At min, you should seek these out for a listen. New around $3500/used on here for close to your floor above.
Well, I voted with my wallet for the Vienna Acoustic Beethoven Baby Grands, at $3500, moving from Celestion SL6s. Not only did I gain tremendous impact in the bass but I retained the great imaging of the Celstions. The mids are smooth and articulate.

They're 4 ohm, so I think your Mac will provide plenty of slam for rock and country.

Another possibility in that price range are the VonSchweikert VR4JRs Used which will meet all of your musical tastes;the 252 will really make the sing.
Have you considered anthing from Totem Acoustic? (Hawks or Forests, in particular)?