What does more power do for Magnepans?

I have Magnepan 3.5 speakers with a Plinius 9200 integrated. I think the sound is quite good but I always hear that Maggies love alot of power. I am curious and considering a Plinius P8 to biamp with the 9200. What difference could I expect to hear with more power? Any opinions?
Mrtennis is correct that Maggies sound great with low power amps. But Brownsfan is also correct that a high powered amp will show you another level of performance. This is not the case with all speakers, and accounts for the myth that Maggies absolutely need many watts. It's not about loudness. I don't know why this is, but it's real.
One way to make dipole bass, sound more like monopole bass...(which has more punch and slam), is to apply HUGE amounts of power to the dipole bass panel.

In truth, and fact...it still does not work. If you need slam and boom...stick with large cones. Dipole bass does not interact with the air, in the same manor that large cone monopoles do...more, and more power can not change this to any large degree.

Dipole subwoofers, will never have a large market share, in the subwoofer market.

My advice...don't buy used Maggies (or others of the type) from anyone who advocates the "more power is always better theory". In truth, these people have bought the wrong speaker type for their needs...and usually move on after a large dose of frustration. The bass panels will need repair much sooner on these, than those which were not abused in the same manner.

Dipole bass is about quality, not quantity....although, you can have a very large degree of both here, if you do it right....(large monopole subwoofers).

We like what we like. There is no wrong answer. I've heard Magnepans (I have 1.6s and have owned 1.4s and 2.7s)) with low power and hated the presentation. I wouldn't own them if I couldn't drive them with lots of clean power.
hi narrod:

it's too bad you weren't at an audio meeting when i demonstrated the 1.6s with a 4 watt amp. i would have given you a barf bag, or you might have passed out. it was the best sound i heard from those speakers. bernadette peters sol rendition of "blackbird" was lush, thick and gooey. wonderful !!