Stereophile review of Escalante Fremont

Has anyone read Stereophile review (Feb '08) of Escalante Design Fremont spkrs ?
Reviewed by Larry Greenhill & measured by Jon Atkinson .

How come they make a review of the spkrs without proper setup :
- LG didn't attached the stand spikes because of his new wood floor & put some bad comments (nasal / coloured tonal).
- JA measured the spkrs with above condition .
- No information if the spkrs burned-in

In my experience , result could be very sensitive for full range spkrs setup ( freq. resp : 18 hz - 50 khz ) .

How can such a great magazine editor allow to publish review with above condition ?

Really different with Positive-Feedback (by Greg Weaver) & Stereo Times (by Dave Thomas & Greg Petan) reviews .
This three reviewers has bought Fremont after made the review .

Seems our international respectable Stereophile magazine has a lot of degradation in their quality .
Is there politics inside this magazine ?
What a waste review ... i think ...
this thread was on fremont's or I am wrong?

LOL - quite right.


I will check that Clapton unplugged song tonight first on my speakers ( which tend to be polite or rolled off in the highs - because they are silk dome tweets ) and then on my trusty AKG 240's (much more linear). Most ot the important cymbals stuff is around 12 Khz but there may be some "air" higher up. Bear in mind I can't hear above 15.5 Khz anyway - those days are long gone with age - so if I report that it sounds muted then I am not sure if that means much!

As for what might cause it to sound muted - I have no idea - in general I would think that a silk dome should almost always sound muted or "polite" relative to a metal one. Generally a more "etched" or exciting sound is the way I describe how light weight cones tend to sound but this is a generalization.
As for what might cause it to sound muted - I have no idea - in general I would think that a silk dome should almost always sound muted or "polite" relative to a metal one. Generally a more "etched" or exciting sound is the way I describe how light weight cones tend to sound but this is a generalization.

I think the drummer might be holding the cymbal (which is what I meant by muting it). Usually I hear that effect mostly in the decay of the cymbal hit, but it seems like the attack isn't all there, or something in the attack seems off. I don't remember having that issue on the W/P8, and I won't have anyone around until this Saturday to switch the two again. I guess I could play them on my studio monitors, since they use a different material tweeter as well (Duh! I should have thought of that earlier...)


I checked out Signe "Eric Clapton" Unplugged (first track on CD).

I found almost no difference between AKG 240 headphones and my speakers...apart from the obvious that the sound was in my head with the headphones. I guess it does not mean much except that I obviously chose both for the sound is what a like and I guess I am consistent in my preferences..

Conclusion - I hear very little if any cymbals at all in this track. For me I hear high hat closed throughout (with the odd brief hit part open - for accent). I hear a wood block and I hear a triangle...but that is it for percussion.

No crash - certainly nothing bigger than 5 or 8 inch is being hit...a little ride at the beginning.

So in answer to your question - I think you will find the WP 8 will simply confirm what you are hearing with the Salons (mostly muted or closed hi-hat) when you swap them this weekend!!

If you want nicely recorded drums...try particularly DoctorFunk "Can't fight the funk" or to a lesser extent ToP "Oakland Zone" or Strokeland Superband "Jump on the Millenium" - I forget which ones were arranged by Chester Thompson (legendary drummer) but as you can imagine with David Garibaldi on drums they want you to hear every sublime detail...and you CAN!!!