Which allround speaker ?

I listened to a pair of Thiel CS2.4 yesterday, linked up to some fine gear (Pass Labs pre and poweramps and Musical Fidelity DAC and CD player), but I found them harsh and too revealing. But I loved their imaging, their punch/slam and detail.
But I'm looking for a speaker that would have me listen to all my cd's, and with the Thiels I'm afraid I won't be able to listen to 80% of my collection anymore.

Any suggestions for a speaker that would be more up my alley? I want an allround wonder that is fast, direct, detailed, with lots of bass punch, slam, but a little on the warm side, not too revealing and definitely not too bright/harsh.

P.s. I know lots of you don't find Thiels to be harsh, esp. when linked to first rate gear. But let's not get into that discussion. They're just too bright for me, and even if they're just nutral, the fact remains that many cd's could be tossed out the window, since I wouldn't be able to listen to them anymore...

Your best choice, given your tastes, would probably be the Silverline Bolero or Beolab 5.
I agree with Shadrone re the Silverline Bolero's. If you want a testimonial and you've read the reviews let me know. IMHO they are the perfect marriage of resolution and musicality.
JM Lab Utopia used ,you may find for less than 10k$,I use them in my bedroom system wonderful speaker non fatiguing,good bass and no harshness.Very well built reliable a good all around speaker.
Montana speakers by PBN Audio are excellent all around performers. The EPS2 would be a good model to check out.


Thanks for these new suggestions. Although I like both the PBN and the Silverline models, I don't think I will be able to find them here in Belgium, Europe. I tried to find who distributes them, but there simply is no distributor... Which is a bummer, 'cause I'd really would have liked to hear them both. Same goes for Merlin, btw.

It;s funny. Lots of people in the audio business over here tell me that US speakers are the best, but lots of US brands are simply not available here.

The (French) Focal Utopia might be an option, but I'll try the 1027/1037 Electra first.
And I will definately listen to the Sonus Faber Cremona, one of the best looking speakers out there imo, but I doubt whether it will be good enough with rock.
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