Which allround speaker ?

I listened to a pair of Thiel CS2.4 yesterday, linked up to some fine gear (Pass Labs pre and poweramps and Musical Fidelity DAC and CD player), but I found them harsh and too revealing. But I loved their imaging, their punch/slam and detail.
But I'm looking for a speaker that would have me listen to all my cd's, and with the Thiels I'm afraid I won't be able to listen to 80% of my collection anymore.

Any suggestions for a speaker that would be more up my alley? I want an allround wonder that is fast, direct, detailed, with lots of bass punch, slam, but a little on the warm side, not too revealing and definitely not too bright/harsh.

P.s. I know lots of you don't find Thiels to be harsh, esp. when linked to first rate gear. But let's not get into that discussion. They're just too bright for me, and even if they're just nutral, the fact remains that many cd's could be tossed out the window, since I wouldn't be able to listen to them anymore...

You could always buy a copy of the well respected UK magazine 'hi-fi choice', see what they have reviewed and recommend then check out the BADA dealers in the UK at the back of the magazine, then jump on cheap flight to London and demo them. You would also get them for 17.5% less than a UK purchaser so maybe cheaper, although you would have to have them shipped back to Belgium. Chips and Mayo lovely!. The land of many bicycles!
Well, I went back to the dealer yesterday and listened some more. To make a long story short: I will try the Thiels CS2.4 at home, with an McIntosh 6900 amp. I'll give it a go for a week and will see soon enough whether it works for me. If not, then I'll try Sonus Faber Cremona, Vienna Acoustics Beethoven, WLM Diva and Dali Helicon 800 MkII. The winner has to be among them... ;-)
Dude!!!! For that kind of money you are getting into some serious electrostatic territory. Have you tried electrostatics/planars? Here are some examples in your price range (prices in dollars):

Sound Labs Millenium 3 - maybe 7 - 12k? Note that they may not make this anymore. They've eliminated several of their 'lower' models.

Sound Labs Millenium 2 - maybe 10 - 12k? I'm sure they make this one.

Note that I'm pretty sure both of those have treble attenuation, so you can chage the highs to your delight!

There are many that say that Sound Labs are the finest speakers in the world at any price.

Magnepan 20.1 - 11/12k?

Again, this is a speaker that many will claim gets as good as is available these days. If you look through lists of 'best speakers ever' this is basically always on the list.

Quads - I have a slight preference for Magnepan 20.1 over Quads, but these are the most famous of the planars and of great historical importance.

There are also the Roger Sanders systems, this one is 12k


He has a very small sweet spot, but these are amazing inside it.

If this is all overload, just try the Magnepan 20.1s - those will be the easiest to hear in any major city. With Pass Amps (that is what I have with a maggie one level lower than 20.1) you will be in heaven. The Magnepan 20.1s also have tweeter attenuation, not quite as fluid as the Sound Labs (for Maggies you add a resistor to the system) but you seem comfortable with a system that is light on the highs all around - with the Sound Labs you could change it whenever/as often as you wanted to.

And note that the Sound Labs attenuation is NOT a graphic eq - it has to do with the way the speaker is fundamentally built, so it does not degrade sound. You can read about it at their site or on planar fansites, there is much info on SoundLabs on the net.

If you can't hear them, just assume the Sound Labs are a bit better than Maggie 20.1s - although some might argue differently.

Before buying box speakers you *must* at least listen to the Maggie 20.1s. And if you've heard 1.6s that will give an idea, but is not the same. 20.1s add true ribbon tweeter and a push-pull design - very different.
Oh and for box speakers one of my current favourite lines is Von Schweikerts, not mentioned so far. The one in your price range is VR-4SR Mk II, 12k I think. A short blurb from their page to show what level of speaker we are talking about here:

"Studios using VR-series include Sheffield Labs, Musical Fidelity Sound Labs, A&M Records (Herb Alpert), and Walt Disney Studios (Alan Menken, winner of 7 academy awards). Many recording engineers brought these speakers home, including Robert Harley, now editor of TAS, and Herb Alpert, creating an audiophile demand."


These really, really do something special - and in my opinion come closer to the planar sound than most box speakers (part of why I like them).

But I still slightly prefer the Magnepan 20.1s or Sound Labs.

One thing I didn't ask - both 20.1s and Sound Labs require large living rooms. If you don't have a certain size living room, then the VS would be a great bet. Oh - and while I might get flamed for this (bring it on!), if living room size is a factor, see if going to the Magnepan 3.6 makes a difference, while no 20.1 I think it will hold its own or beat many of the suggestions you have in this thread at half or less of their cost.
European rooms usually have height but not much width or length compared to the average US room. I emphasis the word 'usually'. The Queen ma'am has ballroom sized rooms.