Innersound Speakers

Anyone heard how these sound off axis. I know that they loose something, but so does every speaker.

Since I made an on-topic comment, here is an off-topic comment.

In response to one very minor issue above, the dsp, it seems that graphic equalizers are coming back. The way to do it, however, is not necessarily associated with the speaker, but in your DAC. There are people who are really into that aspect that could explain more, but basically there is a new device, a sort of digital preamp/dac/digital graphic equilizer. These are very sophisticated and come with usb to your computer and you use your computer to equalize it and there are 200+ pg instruction manuals as to how to measure and adjust it for just your room. Apparently, if you get one of these and pay a lot lot of money for it, the eq doesn't hurt the sound.

Not my piece of cake, I've got a tube pre that I love, but in these increasingly digital days, I can see it as a valid path to good sound quality.

Note that a Von Schweikert dealer I spoke to in regard to room adjustments (the larger VSs can be adjusted for the room) actually said he preferred people not be able to do that. He said he spends hours and hours setting them up properly, and then a year later goes back and invariably they are worse. If not the purchasers, often their kids, get in there and muck with all the settings and in both cases don't know what they are doing. Anyway, just an idea that if we buy speakers for the 'average' home then overall better sound might be had than people mucking around changing everything. Just an idea - as for me - I love mucking with things!
Going back to the original question, I came darn close to getting some Isis mkIII speakers. I auditioned them for several hours, and decided that off axis they did not loose that sense of live music being played in a realistic manner (which is the main thing?), but they did loose a lot of high treble. And of course imaging, but that is exactly the same with all speakers. The treble loss as you move away was more than with other speakers. In their sweet spot, as others have said, they are as good as speakers get as far as I've heard.
Mrtennis, your points are becoming less and less relevant. It seems instead of simply seeing a situation for what it truly is, and learning something from that experience, you soldier on, perhaps believing through the music of chance, you will come across as more insightful than you have previously.

Over the brief time I have known Roger Sanders, he has proven to me incredible knowledge, real world ability, and the highest degree of character.

Roger does not engage in these forums. However, you do. And, you have incessantly used this website to disparage his loudspeakers many, many times since CES2008. I believe his position is worth defending against that, and I will do so.

Your position, which you have laid out here time and again is that a single electrostatic panel is a superior loudspeaker than the one he produces. You ARE invalidating his creation, which is a direct reflection of his life's work. By refusing to accept the positions of someone with the resume he posssesses, and offering up counterarguments you defend so strongly in feeling your way is clearly the better one, your statement, "i never claimed to have any knowledge." puts you in an untenable position.

"you also left out our brief discussion of the quad 57s."

Again, if you go back to my initial post, which I keep pointing back towards, I made the statement that other things were discussed, but I didn't want to make an already too long thread even longer. I had made my point.

Is there really a need to recite chapter and verse of the entire surreal encounter? I believe it would have benefitted everyone had Arnie filmed Roger a second time for play on Audiogon, this one being your visit to his room.

Nevertheless, I can surely recount your Quad ESL57, a speaker which I hold in high regard. You quoted the modifier's claims of what they were capable of, and Roger's exact response was, "I'll simply answer you this way, he's lying to you." I'm not sure what that lends to your position, other than perhaps trying to call my memory into question. In a logical sense, it again displays the technical and real world knowledge Roger possesses when it comes to the field of electrostatic loudspeakers.

"finally, martin logan will be producing a full range electrostatic speaker, then clx, later this year, and i am considering stacked quads unlimited quad 57s."

Once again, I return to my first post. There is no perfect loudspeaker. Roger has designed his speakers in the way he feels will present the best sound possible, ready and willing to discuss the weakpoints of his own design with anyone who cares to listen to him. He is also more than capable of talking about the weakpoints of the products you mentioned (or any loudspeaker for that matter), and why he has chosen a different path. I hope you do not believe these other designs will not be without flaws. At the end of the day, the question which every audiophile faces when it comes to loudspeakers is whether or not they can live with the flaws the product they are interested in possesses.

One thing I neglected to discuss previously, DSP. A bit of looking into the Fletcher-Munson curve in the light of what your requirments are will save you a lot of disappointment and wrong decisions down the road.
it is ludicrous to say that because i criticize the design of a hybrid electrostatic speaker, i have validated his design. it is also illogical.

i never said that a full range electrostatic speaker is superior to a hybrid. i only stated my preference.

roger sanders is a nice person, but he is not the only designer of electrostatic speakers.

i did not denigrate his knowledge as a speaker designer, but it seems unprofessional to call someone a liar.

anyway, this entire situation seems to be a tempest in a teacup. it really has nothing to do with you, trelja, and now the case is closed. i have no more to say. the event happened about two months ago. i'll move on and i suspect, you will too.

by the way, i touched that you are concerned about my speaker selection.
I have been a member here for almost 7 years now and sometimes I just can't help but jump in a little....Boy, if I was back in the dirty dozen days here at AudiogoN and could come out as AJ; I'd jump in with both feet, but I need to behave, so I am taking a deep breath....and being a good girl... as best I can.

so instead, here's the intro right from AudiogoN's coverage page from T.H.E. Show this year and a link to the interview.

"Roger Sanders, inventor of the curved electrostatic loudspeaker, will make you rethink everything you always thought you knew about stats. He sure did (rethink everything) to the point of abandoning his own invention for a contradictory philosophy. His logic is irrefutable, his speakers are infallible, and his electronics are unstoppable. Check out this video for a crash course on electrostatic myths and mating."

peace out,
Angela alias AJ