Any new up & coming high end speaker lines?

At some point in the somewhat near future, (within a year or two), I am hoping to upgrade from my Revel Studios, toward what will probably be my final set of speakers. (I like the Studios, and I consider them to be a very good all around speaker, and a good "bang for the buck" speaker. However, I realize that while they are "very good" at everything, they are not truly "great" at anything.

I have determined which speakers are, what I would consider, a true upgrade from the Studios, and what I like is pretty damn expensive. Speakers such as the Rockport Antares, the Sonus Faber Stradivari, the Avalon Isis, and the Kharma Midi Exquisite; all of which are really expensive. Even used, most of these speakers are in the $25+K range, which is beyond my financial means now, and in the foreseeable future. I am looking for a speaker that is highly refined, and pretty much full range (without being boomy).

So, my question is: Are there any "up and coming" speaker lines that can be bought used for $15K used, (maybe up to $20K if I really stretch it), which would be a big step up from the Revel Studios? (The new price on speakers would therefore be between $30-40K, as used prices tend to be about 50% retail.)

FYI, speakers I am NOT really interested in are:

Big Speakers, such as large Planers, such as the Quads or the Sound Labs, (as my wife would not be happy with such a large speaker, especially after she finally managed to get me to upgrade from the Martin Logan Sequel IIs, (a six foot tall speaker, that she really never liked, but put up with because I had them when we got married). Or, really tall dynamic speakers, such as the Dali Megalines, or the Dynaudio Temptations. Again, way too tall to get the WAF.

Speakers that require a subwoofer (or have a separate subwoofer box). I don't like trying to integrate subwoofers into a 2 channel system. (Having a subwoofer in a HT system is okay, but then again, I don't listen to music on that system, just the special effects.) I don't have room in my living room for more than two main speakers.

Wilson Speakers, or speakers that are like Wilson Speakers. (No offense to Wilson owners, but I have determined that is not the direction I wish to go in. The Revel Studios are similar enough to the Wilson line, that I wish to try something else.) Plus, I am not a fan of the Wilson Aesthetics, as I consider them to be a bit to robotic looking, (which is too bad, as that would probably make things easy, as I could go with a W/P 8!).

And, just so you know what I have in the way of electronics:

I use an Ayre K-1xe preamp, (with phono boards), and the Lamm M2.1 (200 wpc) monoblocks. Both of which I will probably hang onto for a very long time, (i.e. I consider both of those to be, probably, the last preamp and amps that I will own).

Sources include a Basis 2001 TT, with a Vector M3 tonearm,
and a Dynavector XV-1S cartridge, and a Resolution Audio Opus 21 cdp. Except for the turntable, I will probably keep those for a long time too, - the 2001 TT will probably be upgraded to a 2500 (or a 2800), at some point, when I get the funds.)

Cabling includes a balanced Nordost Quattro Fil between the preamp and amp, and a pair of Audience AU24 speaker cables (a pair, as I bi-wire the Studios currently). I am not married to this cabling, but I find these to be good value cables.

My room is 16' x 24' (with 8 foot ceilings), and I have the speakers on the long wall. (The speakers are pulled into the room a couple of feet). And I have a bay window behind my listening position, with blackout blinds. I have no problems with my room acoustics. (Well, none that I have care to worry about at this time anyway!) :-)

At this point, my choice would be the Avalon Eidolon Diamonds, which used fall (almost) into my budget. And while they fulfill most of my requirements, they are not truly a full range speaker.

Okay, so let fly with the suggestions!
(And thanks in advance!)
Kurt, my setup is somewhat similar to yours and I had Revel Studios on loan for over a month and really liked most of what they did.
But in the end sent them back to the dealer in favor of Verity Parsifal. These speakers really make music.
Btw, the setup includes Basis 2500, Vector, Shelter 90X, Tom Evans Groove to Lamm pre and Lamm M1.1 amps.
So my advice is to look into the Parsifal or Sarastro as possible options.
I think you owe it to yourself to hear the Linkwitz Orion even though they are much cheaper than your budget (around $9k fully built). Your earlier ML speakers indicate that you are open to the idea of a dipole speaker.

I heard them at an owner's house and they were wonderful even though I ended up with Quad 2805 (I live in an apartment where low level performance trumps the much higher SPL and low bass of the Orions).

They are surprisingly small and you can get them in almost any color or wood that you like. This may help a lot in getting your wife's acceptance.

One problem though: You Lamm will go unused, that may be hard to accept.

Well, I really like (love actually) the looks of the Rockport Antares in the Lamborgini grey. (It is a metallic grey that really looks classy, in a modern sort of way, IMHO.)

Also, I like the looks of the Sonus Faber Stradivari. Again, just classic looks, but with a modern flare. (I am somewhat surprised that I like them actually, as they are rather tall, which I am not into that much, but since they are somewhat thin in depth, it seems to work for me.)

(FYI: I like the looks of the original Revel Studios, the ones that I own, (with the piano black body and the aluminium side panels), as they have a modern flare to them, without looking robotic, (like the Wilson speakers do). On the other hand, I do not like the looks of the new Studio speakers, although I have only seen them via pictures, and not in person. Too bland.)

The Avalon Eidolon Diamonds have classic looks and lines, (and I actually prefer it to the Isis for looks alone). The Avalon Sentinel is a bit much, IMHO.

I don't much like really tall speakers anymore, so the Dali Megalines, and the Pipedreams and all of those 7-8 foot tall behemoths are just not to my liking, and my wife would probably bury me in the box they came in, if I were to bring some of those home. (FYI, I have a fair amount of art work on the walls, and having such tall speakers interferes with the viewing angles to the art work. I'm a multicultural art lover, as I like to both listen to, and see, the art that I own, and at the same time no less!)

I seriously thought about the Andra IIs, but the more I looked at them, the less I liked their looks.

Wow, we do have similar systems.

I will check out the Verity line. Thanks!

FYI, do youself a favor and see if you can beg, borrow or steal a Dynavector XV-1S cartridge to test it out. It is a real improvement on the Shelter 90X. (Which was my previous cartridge, for the past two years, that I just upgraded from, just a couple of months ago!) It has virtually the same bass response (which was the Shelter 90X's claim to fame). It might be just a smidgen less bass extension, (but very, very close), but it is a bit tighter bass. The mid-range and treble are more refined, and the noise floor is considerably quieter. And the soundstaging and imaging are incredible. (My studio speakers have virtually disappeared on most recordings!) It is just a more refined cartridge all around. (I think I will be sticking with this cartridge for a long time!) :-)

Thanks again for the tip about the Verity speakers.
Take a look at my review of the Legacy Audio Focus HD:

Seems to meet your citeria and the specs compare very favorably to the Avalon Eidolon Diamond.