Do any speakers image/sound-stage close to walls?

I'm about to spend a huge amount of $$ on full-range speakers, but realise from all the published acoustical data and conventional wisdom, that the laws of physics are absolute. So, in a 17 X 23 X 15ft ceilinged room, when I have to place the speakers no more than 12" from the front (short) wall, 2 ft from the side walls (for WAF and furniture and structural reasons - dont ask,) am I blowing my money? The source, preamp, amps are all superb - but what do I do about finding speakers to match? Sure, I could buy a superb $19K SP Tech Revelation or Zu Definition or Coincident Total Reference, but what about the sound-staging and imaging? Surely I'm not the only person with this dilemma, yet there are so few posts on A'gon regarding this issue, that I wonder whether the problem is exaggerated in my mind or is it just that most A'goners are smarter than I and designed their wives' furniture choices better?:) Room treatments dont help much, or do they? Is there any solution, other than moving the whole sytem to a wifeless room? Please dont ask why these space restrictions apply - believe me, they do, and the interior decorating details are not relevant here.
System: EMM CDSD, DCC2, Sota Cosmos IV, Ear 324 Phono Preamp, Atma-Sphere MP-1, Atma-Sphere MA 2.2, PAD Dominus S/C, etc.
I had a similar problem (a small room, not a wife), and settled on North Creek Eskas. They are one of the only speakers I located that are designed for near near wall placement. I suspect they are less speaker than you are looking for, and I think they are no longer available, but I enjoy them hugely, at around 8" from the wall. George at NC is a very nice and helpful guy, and I think it would be worth a call to see if he had ideas. (Also, George works with a cabinet builder, Lee Taylor, who makes gorgeous boxes -- high GFAF and WAF.)

heard tetra 606,s in same config as yours close to rear and side walls they blew me a way with electronics not as fine as mine , looking at purchasing a pair of tetra 606,s or sonus farber amati, but leaning to tetra
Pavpet, just looked them up - great reviews. Is there anything in their design, Duke, that would make them better for proximity to the walls? They are 8 ohm impedance, which is a plus. I'm sure SP Tech would also sound "great" close to walls - but better away from them. Wouldn't the same principle apply to the Tetras? The price isn't listed on the website, Pavpet. Can you let me know, by e-mail, if you prefer. Thanks again for the suggestion.
I'm one that feels speakers sound poorly when too close to side walls. There's no room to get image cues from the outside of the speakers. That's a limiter to me. I realize you can't change the room.

There are speakers that are designed to be placed against the walls - deliberately. Audio Note. Guru. Older Linn designs.