Best Buy selling Vienna Acoustics speakers

Looking at cameras, I came across Vienna Acoustics speakers on their website. Has anyone ever seen any of the Vienna speakers in a Best Buy store?
Best Buy bought Magnolia a couple of years ago. Since then, I've heard Logan, Vienna and Sonus Faber demos at Magnolia with MacIntosh electronics. (I've bought a half dozen Sonos bundles from these guys) Properly treated rooms, but....

Ask the salepeople to move the speakers into a decent position. Their standard demos leave a row of speakers against a wall which isn't going to help anyone very much. The salespeople seem very nice, though only a few are well informed. This isn't bad service for a large chain retailer. OTOH, it isn't a high end "boutique" experience either.

If Best Buys is as bad as Tweeter was demoing Vienna Acoustics speakers, it's a waste of time. I do have a lot of respect for the Vienna Acoustics brand, I have owned the Beethoven and the Strauss. However, I never heard them sounding good in any Tweeter store. Poor placement, poor electronics, etc. It was really sad, I'm surprised that Sumiko allowed this to happen.

Anyway, very good speakers, but they need room to breath and good electronics to drive them to hear what they are capable of.

Hate to say it, but it's sad that Magnolia got bought out by Best Buys. Why do I say that? Because you now have the same kind of "ignorant knuckleheads" working the Magnolia side of Best Buys, as the rest of Best Buys. I went to try and listen to some Vienna Acoustic speakers, but no decent amps/pre-amps, no stands, the salesperson didn't even know how to turn the sub-woofer off, so I could listen to speakers by themselves. Don't know where you live at Marty, but it appears the Magnolia in your "neck of the woods" is certainly a "cut above" the Best Buys here in northern Va.
Of far more importance is that Vienna Acoustics and/or its importer have sold
out, going the mid-fi route. When you see brands that were previously
considered high end being sold at places like Tweeter, Circuit City and Best
Buy, it doesn't bode well for that particular brand. Fortunately, there are still
lots of better options.

Perhaps even worse is that some people may hear how bad these "high-end"
speakers sound in this environment and incorrectly conclude that the mid-fi
stuff is just as good or better than the stuff some of us have spent thousands
-- even tens of thousands -- to acquire.
There are many better speaker options for the price of the top of the line Vienna Acoustics floor standing speakers with two 5 1/4 inch drivers for $1400 each.

-- I mean come on people!