Whats the best $1000 speakers

Hello everyone, I'm starting a new two channel system, and need some new speakers, and a intagrated amp, and cd player. I am interested in the Vandersteen 1c, and the Monitor Audio Silver RS6s, but I am open to any suggestions. If anybody is familiar with these 2 spakers, I would be thankful for any advice, and some intagrateds that would match well with them.

Thanks Again,
consider a single driver system and a tube amp for this vocal midrange material. or a 2 way with a gentle crossover slope per driver. from what i read about single driver designs they are perfect fit. as a tubie i think it is a natural fit as midrange is superb. ss will work fine too if you prefer but tubes are great fit with vocals imo
That is a good size room, I was going to reccomend the B&W 805S but don't know how they would do in that size room. They would do very well with your music though, I think the b&w is one of the best for female vocals, that is where I call BS on a lot of speakers is in the vocals. The 805S may fit your budget but not so sure about the roome size. Another speaker I like for this music is the maggies, but again not sure about the room size versus the speaker in this price range.

good luck,
There is a pair of Klipsch Chorous speakers listed for $350. That is quite a bit of speakers for $350. A nice tube amp or moderate power quality SS and you are set to go.