speaker recommendations?

hi, new here, and i'm bulding my first system. after getting a few recommendations for turntables and other things in the analog forums, i was suggested that i should pop in here and ask about speakers. im looking to spend around 3-5 hundred for a pair. i have a fairly small room (8x8) and i like both a warm tone, but nice tight bass (if the two can overlap at all) would you guys be able to possibally throw a few ideas at me so i have a few good ideas when i go out to look for speakers?


I'll give a third nod to Macrojack, especially if you have a standard 8' ceiling.
Problems associated with square rooms can be mostly alleviated by using a setup arranged on the diagonel .
Setup your speakers in one corner firing to the opposite corner where your listening position is . I learned this from an amp and speaker designer , it works for me in a 10'X10' room . The trade off , there is always a trade off , is that your soundstage will be compromised somewhat .

Good luck .
chuck, hate to repeat myself...but, you really should find a pro and have a good conversation with him before you start stuffing speakers into that space. it will save you tons of wasted time and $. dont be embarrased to talk to dealers in the know, they love to talk stereo and show their knowledge. Plus most of them work all day waiting for someone to ask for honest advice as opposed to being treated like salesmen. find a higher end shop and go at off hours.
Ear speakers, better known as 'headphones'. This should be your first stop, no room treatment problems. After that, find a dealer that does speaker loans'. Most will do so if you are looking for something small. Invest in a good pair of stands, that should be filled, spiked top and bottom. That will give you a try to see if the headphone sound can be beat. Also, some dealers have 'room analyzers' which they loan. The latter can go a long way to telling you what room reactions are in the room.
How about a pair of paradigm active 20's or some other active monitor; I think quad and wharfedale makes some as well.
You may not get the deepest bass response but I think the system could sound very nice.
Are you running a pre amp,intregated, or a receiver?