speaker recommendations?

hi, new here, and i'm bulding my first system. after getting a few recommendations for turntables and other things in the analog forums, i was suggested that i should pop in here and ask about speakers. im looking to spend around 3-5 hundred for a pair. i have a fairly small room (8x8) and i like both a warm tone, but nice tight bass (if the two can overlap at all) would you guys be able to possibally throw a few ideas at me so i have a few good ideas when i go out to look for speakers?


go listen to a pair of Paradigm Atoms, they would be perfect for you and only cost around 300.
im going integrated most likely. primary source is gonna be a turntable, probably a vintage thorens or one of the nicer japanese models from the 70's or 80's
These would be hard to beatWOW if you don't need pristine.
Oops, I see they have already been recommended.