Dynaudio S5.4 vs Confidence C2

Anyone done a comparison with these two speakers..pros cons..what did you buy
Hello Norton, all, as previously posted, I've been using the 5.4's for a few years now, and I would have to say they are a very well balanced speaker, one of the best I've heard in that respect. A lack of bass must be how they are coupling to your room. I've had mine in two completely different locations, and in both, they had adequate bass. Or, as you stated, you may be a bass hound.



Its definitely not the speaker, its where you sit in the room. Your listening position is probably in a bass null, or other words you are sitting in a spot where you are getting cancellation. Try experimenting with moving you seating position if possible.
I to have heard the 5.4's in multiple rooms and have found the bass to be quite sufficient so I would have to say its the room or speaker/seat placement.

Remember the number 1 killer of a speakers sound is their environment and placement.
As Dynaudio dealer and an owner of the S5.4 in my own personal room for years. I find it hard to believe this statement "seriously lacking in the bass dept. and sound anemic". Goodness, these have no problems sitting you back in your seat when called upon. I find the bass to be quite sufficient even plentiful when mated with an adequate amplifier.

It totally agree with Matt and his opinions between the S5.4 and C2. Couldn't have said it better myself.
No where in the owners manual or online brochures could I find the freqency response of these speakers, just that they have powerful woofers and I know what kind of material would be played on these speakers at a "dealer".
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that although these speakers may have adequate bass to some people for some others maybe not and at over 8K I think a speaker should do it all not just sound great for some "folk" music or classic "jazz". JMO.