Dynaudio S5.4 vs Confidence C2

Anyone done a comparison with these two speakers..pros cons..what did you buy
True...If you are into Rap or Techno music, the S5.4 might not be right for you. I would call it a sin to play that garbage on such great speakers. Ha! ;-)
I just auditioned a C2. At first I thought it was too laid back but the more I listened, the more I loved the detail and female voices were excellent.

Unfortunately, a lot of music didn't sound satisfying due to overly lean bass.

I'm wondering how much detail I would lose going with the 5.4s? My dealer doesn't have this model so I have no way of auditioning them.
I dont think you are giving up detail in the 5.4s. They are amazing speakers, and my highest recommendation at their price point. You might consider the Sapphire if you are willing to spend a bit more money.

The 5.4s are better in a large space, whereas the C2 is a sleek floorstander that is evenly balanced in a small to medium room.
Thanks, Jghfi.

My room is 26x14x7.5. It's soundproofed so it retains bass energy (i.e. speakers with heavy bass - like Aerials - don't mate well).

I will probably audition the C2s to see if my room will excite what bass is present in them, and if it doesn't work, seek out 5.4s or the Sapphires.