Spendor s8e or Devoe Super 8

I am going to upgrade from a pair of spendor S5e's to either the S8e's or Devore Super 8's. Any recommendations?

Listen to them both first, and preferably with the same amp you intend to use.

If you can't listen to them first, then buy used so you have the option of reselling without a significant loss.

Nothing matters except what you hear and enjoy.
I am buying used. I doubt that I will be able to audition the Devores, but I have heard great things about them. I have learned in the past that auditioning speakers
in a showroom and then getting them home are two different things. That is why I buy them used. Thanks Tvad.
Maybe someone within driving distance of you owns the Devores and would offer a listening opportunity.

So, you might mention where you live.

Also, listing the amplifier you intend to use might encourage some info from owners of the speakers.

Do a search of the Member's Systems for others who might own the same speakers. Look at their system components and amplification. Sometimes, this homework helps crystallize what works.

Finally, matching speakers to an amp is going about it backwards. Usually, it's better to buy speakers you really like, and then match an amp to optimize their performance.
I've had both the Spendor S5e and the S8e. They are great speakers. I've never heard the Devores.

I recently sold my S8es to keep a pair of Spendor's classic SP1/2E. The midrange tonality of the classic model is a little more accurate than the S8e. However, the S8e has better deep bass and is more comfortable at volume. (It plays loud but would not be the recommended speaker for a head-banger.)

For me, the SP1/2E is a better choice. However, if I listened primarily to pop/rock I would have kept the S8e. The S5e is a great little speaker and you can find them used at $1,000 or even a bit under right now so are a great buy. However, I'd really make a run for the S8e if possible.