Stereophile claims about Magico

Stereophile claims Magico has revolutionized loudspeaker design. All I see is standard design. Only 1 thing is slightly new, carbon nano tubes the carbon fiber cones already been done, aluminum cabinets been done. The driver array 1 tweeter 1 mid 2 woofers been done to death. The way magico attaches drivers old as the hills Ive got 50 year old loudspeakers that mount simlar. The way he designs crossovers is fairly standard. So whats the revolution the nano carbon tubes? Or just another bold claim on mag cover to sell issues.
They use "magic" - that is what is revolutionary. LOL. Stereophile continues to count on the gullability and lack of technical knowledge of people with high disposable income who like to believe they own "revolutionary" products. So what is new - my PC is revolutionary, my car is revolutionary, my cellphone is revolutionary. The orange juice I drink in the morning is revolutionary - it contains calcium. The milk in my coffee is revolutionary as it contains Vitamin C. ROFLMAO. It is called hype marketing and it is universal!

Magico are great speakers but revolutionary is just standard stereophile hype.

In a world with me too speaker boxes built in China and me too drivers cheaply built and mass produced in Northern Europe perhaps Magico is actually REVOLUTIONARY.
I thought the TAS review was better. Stereophile spends 1/3 of the space discussing their policy on # of dealers required to qualify for their reviewing a product. TAS has more meat. Of course all reviews have the same purpose.
Feb 08 issue Stereophile vol 31 no 2 cover claims a New fullrange loudspeaker referance. But its not Magico? So in 2 issues the new fullrange referance has been replaced by a revolution in loudspeaker design;) Whats next? If sp thinks it needs attention getting headlines on front page to sell mags maybe they forget how many mag vendors dont stock sterophile. I cant find it anywhere except borders.
I don't read it the way that you do. The full quote is "Revolutinizing speaker design. Alon Wolf's Magico V3." I don't take it to mean that the V3 is revolutionary; I take it to mean that the process of designing speakers that Wolf uses is revolutionary. That design aspect is covered rather thoroughly in the article on Wolf. In fact, if you look at the genesis of his horn speakers, it certainly seems like a different design process, more heavily dependent on computer modeling than is typical and the result seems unusual as well. I will leave it to others as to what consitutes a "revolution". And yes, these tag lines are meant to sell magazines.