Stereophile claims about Magico

Stereophile claims Magico has revolutionized loudspeaker design. All I see is standard design. Only 1 thing is slightly new, carbon nano tubes the carbon fiber cones already been done, aluminum cabinets been done. The driver array 1 tweeter 1 mid 2 woofers been done to death. The way magico attaches drivers old as the hills Ive got 50 year old loudspeakers that mount simlar. The way he designs crossovers is fairly standard. So whats the revolution the nano carbon tubes? Or just another bold claim on mag cover to sell issues.
I think it's interesting to watch reviewers move through the various price levels over the years. They get more and more expensive gear as time goes by, and they get less relevant over time due, mainly, to the fact that they're reviewing stuff most of us consider "ridiculously priced", either because we really do feel that way or because we can never afford it.

Reading JV in TAS talk about his latest "this is the greatest thing since sliced bread" speaker is comical at this point. JS used to be this way, but thankfully found another career to veer into. And then you get his review on the V2 version of the same speaker and it, not surprisingly, goes to whole new levels and costs another several thousand bucks. What!?!?! How is this an experience any of us can leverage?

Whatever. Good entertainment, but for the most part pretty useless for really identifying "revolutionary".
I tend to drink the Kook-Aid at these things, but I have been to two Magico demos featuring Alon Wolff and left both times feeling that the price of the Minis is not out of line given the engineering and parts in them. The crossovers alone are something to behold, He's a very impressive guy. Plus I like the speakers.
I am a subscriber of Stereophile but to be honest I never read it outside "The Library". I'm sure you know what I mean. Sometimes there are some interesting articles like the Oppo etc. which I purchased one to see what the hoopla was all about. But somehow I think there is something better in the entry level CD Player category. We just haven't found it yet. As for the Magico the article was in fact interesting but not enough for me to buy a pair at $45 grand. There is nothing new in speaker design as there is nothing new with tube circuits, or solid state circuits,etc. And for sure there is nothing "Revolutionary" about the Magico. They do look nice!
I think the V3 is a very solid, and musical speaker.

However, it seems their has been a lot of press coverage, for such an esoteric product, it almost seems peculiar.
TAS, dedicated almost the whole issue to them, then Stereophile.... I mean it is a GREAT product but not revolutionary. I actually think Magico speakers have more sonic peers than my restored Garrard 301.

I am happy though that they are at least "pushing" something that most would agree is a very fine proudct unlike much of the average gear they recommend