Stereophile claims about Magico

Stereophile claims Magico has revolutionized loudspeaker design. All I see is standard design. Only 1 thing is slightly new, carbon nano tubes the carbon fiber cones already been done, aluminum cabinets been done. The driver array 1 tweeter 1 mid 2 woofers been done to death. The way magico attaches drivers old as the hills Ive got 50 year old loudspeakers that mount simlar. The way he designs crossovers is fairly standard. So whats the revolution the nano carbon tubes? Or just another bold claim on mag cover to sell issues.
Honestly I haven't heard any Magico loudspeakers, so what I write is purely hypothetical.Besides the drivers ( lots of new drivers come into existence annually) , everything else is normal loudspeaker technology taken to the ultimate execution possible at a given price point, with good aethetics and domestically acceptable size. Hence I would use the term evolutionary.
What I find painful is that companies like Overkill Audio, which take an end to end approach with meticulous execution, get no press coverage from large mainstream audio magazines. I guess advertisments decide the sound quality. Hence whenever I recommend anything on this forum, it is never mainstream, and it usually comes from a manufacturer who makes a damn good product.
V3 is a great speaker however mini 2 has better cabinet better parts in crossover and overall a more natural sound it also has custom edison music posts v3 does not. These are 2 of the best speaker out there regardless of the stereophile aricle mini 2 got to stereo sound awards in Japan.
I think we went about it already. Yes, the Mini has its pluses but, for my money, the V3 covers more ground and has the best bass money can buy. They are also more efficient, and IMO, more transparent. There is a lot to say for a dedicated pure midrange. BTW, the Mundorf posts on the V3 are much better than then Cardas posts on the Mini (Not sure where you got the Edison posts idea) . Having said all that, I would/am be happy with either one.
I have heard both the MINI and the fine V3.I like the V3,but believe the Mini does a better disappearing act.Less pretentious,is how I hear them.
They sound more coherent and the presentation seems to emanate from a more ideal sphere(point source).
The "BIG" deal about the Mini,to me,is that it can go "BIG",and from a fairly "SMALL" package.This is a great thing for many city dwellers,who still want real high end dynamics,and powerful sound,but have limited space.
Also,like me in the not too distant future,if you are going from a home with a good size dedicated room(with a fairly large floorstander,that you hate to give up)to a smaller condo,the MINI will give up very little!
"THAT" is a real benefit,and a strong selling point!

The V3 certainly does not have the gorgeous appearance that the Mini has,and it is not made to the same level,in cabinetry....The Mini does not seem to give up much in the low freq compared to the V3,"if" set up well!
I like the Mini "much" more,and think it "is", and "sounds more special" than the V3,but both are superb products.

Btw,I have heard(at length,and many times)the Mini at "EBM's" home....His previous speaker was a superb Kharma.The Mini is a far better match to both his room,and equipment....It really is an impressive set-up!!...By any standard!!

The funny thing is.....that there are a few local hobyists that have also heard EBM's system,but cannot accept the high level of sound such a "relatively small" speaker can produce.These guys have HUGE multi way speakers,that take up "GOBS" of space!....It seems the psychology of the situation has caused rather severe criticism of EBM's system,which is laughable to me,but not too funny to EBM!!The guy spent alot of money,and has superb stuff.
It's nice when credit is given,when well deserved. -:)

Do not know when and how you compared the two speakers. As usual, we rush to form an opinion. I would have to disagree with your conclusion. And I should know, I have them both (My original Mini was finally upgraded about 2 months ago). In the same environment, properly set up, you may feel differently as well. Again, both are wonderful but if I had to choose, it will be the V3. You give up some but you gain a lot. BTW, the V3 foot print is actually smaller then the Mini. You are right about two things though, the Mini BIG sound and their “spherical” imaging are a real shockers. These two loudspeakers, are in a league of their own. You will do fine with either one.