Wilson MAXX musicallity and sound

I am missing the liquid and icy sound of high end audio with the following expensive combination . How can I improve achieve that dream sound:
Wilson MAXX 1, Accuphase A50 V power amp,Air tight ATM 211 single ended mono amp, air tight ATC 2 pre and Accuphase DP80L/DC81L cd/converter with Transparent referecne speaker cable and Accuphase DG38 room correction /equalizer. It is quite an expensive system but lacks that liquid sound of high end and bass extension. Please share your opinion how to improve it.Thanks
Shadorne, I don't know how to measure it or demonstrate it, but I believe there is IMD caused by the interaction of the two speakers with each other, not the room.

As a musician I often hear beat tones and difference tones when playing with others. These same kinds of things are going on between the two speakers. I've also experience the power multiplication when a group (say five trumpeters) gets totally in sync, totally in tune and playing with equal resonance. It's hard to explain, but when you experience it it's unforgettable. Anyway, getting the speakers ideally placed within their acoustic space and relative to each other is very important, no matter what we call it.


Once again it would be interesting to see the frequency response of your Sumiko Master Set placement measured at your listening position.

With your rear ported speakers a foot off the back wall, I'm
sure moving your speakers fractions of inches will excite room nodes. The manual for your speakers(http://www.sumikoaudio.net/va/manuals/BeethovenManual.pdf) makes this very clear.

Using the TacT system, I have flat bass response down to 20hz using no boost. Speakers are placed to optimize imaging. I have digital EQ and XTC available, so I don't have to suffer with poor recordings.
Yeah, but you suffer with IMD, comb filtering and other artifacts that are much worse than any EQ issues.

You seem to have no idea what I'm talking about. To that it avoids exciting bass nodes it has a little to do with EQ, but it's mostly about removing distortion.


You have no idea how the TacT system works.

You have no idea if my biamp'd system is suffering from IMD, comb filtering or any other artifacts, you've never hear it.

Glad you happy with your sytem, but I'm always amazed that people who claim big improves in their systems, refuse to take any measurement to verify what they're hearing.

You haven't proposed a measurement that would verify improvements in IMD or comb effect. I'd love to measure it, but I've never read of anyone doing it. If there's a way and some resources that you could point me to, then maybe I could measure it with the help of the Colorado Audio Society.

I've read much about TacT and I'll leave it at that, given the issues being aired over at the Asylum.

Unless you've addressed IMD or comb filtering in your set up, then you almost certainly have it.

How does bi-amping impact IMD and/or comb filtering. Seems like adding devices to the signal path would increase the chance of IMD, in particular, rather than decrease it.
