Wilson MAXX musicallity and sound

I am missing the liquid and icy sound of high end audio with the following expensive combination . How can I improve achieve that dream sound:
Wilson MAXX 1, Accuphase A50 V power amp,Air tight ATM 211 single ended mono amp, air tight ATC 2 pre and Accuphase DP80L/DC81L cd/converter with Transparent referecne speaker cable and Accuphase DG38 room correction /equalizer. It is quite an expensive system but lacks that liquid sound of high end and bass extension. Please share your opinion how to improve it.Thanks
Hi Dave, go to the link for Home Theater Shack halfway down (under downloads) and search there. Also Downloads is where you can download the program for Room EQ Wizard which is the program to test for freq response, waterfalls RT60, IMD etc. you need the RadioShack meter.
I heard the Wilson MAXX speakers with the Evolution Krell gear. And WAS NOT IMPRESSED. Look into Vandersteen 5A's. You will be glad you did. You can thank me later. Roger
I agree with the suggestion of a Vandersteen 5A which is real nice and has extra power with the powered woofer. Even better is the Evolution Acoustic MM2 or MM3.

Fpooyandeh, can you tell us a little bit about the room and speaker positioning? I know you have a "room correction" equalizer, but it cannot correct the loudspeaker's radiation pattern, and that might be part of the problem.

Bass varies enormously from one room to another, so while it's unusual for the Maxx to come up short in this department it's possible. Perhaps a change of speaker or listening position would be beneficial.

I would think the Accuphase would be well suited to driving the Wilsons within its power limits, but the Airtight might be a questionable match.

The component that has the greatest effect on your overall sound is the loudspeaker system. I hate to say it, but if you are looking to make a major change in how your system sounds that might end up being the component to replace.

If you are willing to consider a complete system change, the best sounding system I have heard was by Sonicweld. It's not cheap, but it includes everything except the source component(s). www.sonicweld.com. Don't let the appearance put you off - this system is about ultrahigh sound quality, not eye candy.

Best of luck to you,
