Emerald Physics CS-2, Opinions Please

Hello all:

I found and read a couple of older threads regarding these speakers, I've been talking with the dealer, and I have read everything I could find on the internet. I understand the DSP's role and the need to bi-amp. The last step befor I plunk down the plastic, is to ask those of you that have them what you think?

What are the pluses and minuses? If you have had them for a couple of months are you still happy? any regrets?

Best regards,

Absolutely NO regrets! Fantastic speakers in every regard..although you've likely read some of my waxing posts already here on the goN. Listen, Ive always loved Electrostatics and was not willing to give up my Quads purity, speed and naturalness no matter how good or dynamic a speaker was...well the CS-2's changed all that for me. The plus list is extensive IMO:

Fast, Natural presentation, Tonally accurate, Pin point imaging and deep sound-stage. Deep tight bass that will have you smiling ;-)..If you've never heard good Open-baffle bass..your in for a treat!..Smooth and extended highs, beautiful upper mids with no compression or congestion (think E-stats) The Behringer in stock form does a very good job and offers choices in preset firmware from EP. Gain adjust to match your upper and lower amps ( can be done by ear with confidence) There's a LOT of speaker here at $3500....A huge plus!

Minuses: You need at least 1 meter out from the front wall and preferably more. (You can be very close to the side walls)

Of course you need 4 channels of amplification. Any combo of amps is possible. 2- stereo...4 monoblocks..etc.. I would try to keep power ratings kind of close(but not necessary) ..Gain inputs of the amps should be close too..In other words my Nuforce has 28dB gain and my Bel Canto has 27dB..Gian... and power outputs of the amps can be compensated for within the DCX..so really not to big an issue here. I am now using some TAD 1000 tube monoblocks on top..its the best ive heard so far. Every change is easly heard.

Of course if you already have a multi-channel amp..your there!

A buddy of mine is still breaking in to some extent... He sold off some very expensive and well regarded speakers after hearing the CS-2's..

Break in, as with any new speaker is a minus..but surprisingly, the CS-2 sound very good just out of the box..The Compression driver will sound better than the bass..the 2-15" bass drivers need a bit of play time to open up. I found they really got deep and tight at about 200 hrs..and then again at 400 hrs they really disappeared leaving the music completely neutral and free breathing.

I take it you've already peered over on Audiocircle to read some of the post owners have been posting.

I love these speakers and think they compete with and beat out many fine and expensive designs. This speaker is going to seriously PO some of the big speaker companies for their expensive offerings compared to the CS-2..IMO.

If you were local here in the Atlanta area..you would be more than welcome to drop by for a listen.
you live in talonville. no need to plunk down plastic out of boredom for any speaker. relax and enjoy your system.
Thanks for the responses.

Jaybo; I'm not bored with the Talons, I just can not find a sub that can keep up with them, without spending more than the Talons cost. My only knock on the Talon monitors is the lean bass (@ +/- 35Hz). There is some music (truthfully, not much)that I know would be better with the next level of bottom end.

Additionally, my major use is for TV and I am getting tired of packing them, the stands, etc, up and down stairs from the music room to the living room.