Class D at low volume


How do class D amps behave at low volume levels?  My question is general rather than related to a particular amp.  I know there are exceptions, but as a rule, SET’s and class A SS excel at low volume.  What about class D?  Is low volume performance of class D predetermined, all else being equal? Do class D amps have a comfort zone?  Do they distort more at low volume or is it uniform throughout?  For the purpose of this question I am only referring to analog input amps and not the ones that take in PCM (e.g. NAD M2).

The second part of my question is as follows.  I’m interested in some higher end commercial class D amps from the likes of lab.gruppen, powersoft, mc2, XTA, etc. due to their network-ability as in, I can control them, DSP them, and stream digital, all via RJ45, at the same time dispensing with all the extra boxes and cables.  But, they are all of very high power from 100‘s to 1000‘s of watts.  Does this mean that in a domestic setting at low volume they operate much closer to their noise floor or is this different with class D?

Mine work great at lower volume.

They are so clean and effortless and totally non fatiguing. I often do not realize how high the volume is until someone speaks in the room.

They are playing at low volume currently as I type on my triangle speakers which themselves are fantastic lower volume speakers.

I can report that with class D amps that I have loved, Rowland M925 and M312, Merrill Veritas, and Bel Canto REF1000M, low volume playing is as good as medium and high volume.... Clean, effortless, musical... Just like any good amp of any other topology.

Would this behavior apply to all class D amps? Who knows.... The induction step is one dangerous thing in logic.

My peachtree 220 plays well at low volumes. I listen at very low volumes for long periods late at night. The bass is still there, good imaging, good detail...
I can echo what is said above by Mapman and Guido as relates to my Ncore NC1200 amps by Acoustic Imagery. Listening at low levels now as it is getting late in the EST zone.
i have wyred for sound 1000 watt class d amp , that i purchased due to price point . took out my wyetech ruby set 36 watts out of system ,the class d amps incredible , audiophiles here every day are stunned , as well as myself bass , resolution , detail , soundstage , truly amazing considering the $20000 price difference