A future city dweller's dilemma...

Hey all:

Just wanted to ask all the experts here your opinion on things. Currently I live in the suburbs where space and such is never an issue. But in the (very) near future I will (hopefully) be living in a condo in the *big city.* Which means, certain sacrifices have to be made... (IE: my Magnepan 1.6QRs).

So the question is this... What tablet speakers should I pick up for about the $1000 mark (used price.) The current equipment that I have (that I hopefully plan on taking with me) are the following:

Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1
XBox 360 (not really relevant, but wanted to throw that in)


Krell KAV-300r (Integrated Amp)
Cary Sixpac Monoblocks and
Dynaco PAS-3 Preamp

I currently have a pair of MMGs also (as a back up, bought it all for a good deal, but I loaned them to my uncle) Which I could always sell off or try using those instead.

For the most part I'm a jazz/vocals/instrumentals listening kind of guy for my CD collection.

I was originally look at any of the B&W tablettes but I don't think any of them are in my price range. Then I looked into ProAc's also which looks like that might do the trick. Can anyone recommend any others that I should look into?

Thanks all for your help in advance!

The way to go: ProAc 1SC used on good stands. Hold on to every thing until you get into your new 'quarters'. Mostly likely you will need a sub, but I would wait until you move and then see what the room does.
Keep the Maggies... At least until you have moved and tried to use them there.
Maggi fans do not take to other speakers easily!! And if I had to do what you are doing (but I have always lived in an apartment) I would try to fit the Maggies into my new place.
I did, 4 feet out into the room and all....
(I used to have some Magnepan IIb's)
Before you buy a condo, check it for sound leaks, especially into adjacent units and either be willing to do what's necessary to stop these leaks (so you can enjoy your music the way you like to hear it) or else be willing to make the compromises necessary to keep the neighbors happy. This is one of the rude awakening that condo owning audiophiles often encounter.
Joseph Audio RM7 sig on good stands. Rare on used listings, but an excellent speaker.