Current feeling on stacked quads?

thinking about stacking els57's, but there seems to be division about this idea. thoughts? suggestions? advice?
You will get more SPL, but there are some people who think that the proper placement of instruments on the soundstage would be compromised. However this was not my experience when I had those. I used them with Sequerra ribbons for the high end and with Maggie bass panels and later Entecs for the lows and I was happy with this arrangement for a long time.
Ah Yes !-- One of the truly great Combos-Det--your nostalgia bought tears to my eyes!
I had a beautifully finished Stacked pair from Radio People in HKG also with the T1 Ribbons and a 24"Hartley via the Jon Curl Symmetery X-Over.
Absolutely stunning.

What's more musical and fullfilling out there today-- frankly damn all!

Mot--go for them --if you can find them at reasonable price.

Good Listening,

Des W
Ah yes, as an x-over I used one from Mark Levinson, the man.... and yes again, as Des said, go for it! Even today, unless you want earsplitting sound levels, there is hardly anything better.....