bldg system starting with Gallo Ref 3.1

I'm putting together a system since I recently acquired a pair of these. For now, my main concern is playing cd's. Playing mp3s from my IPOD would be a big plus. My budget is very limited at the moment and I honestly don't know what I'm doing. I wanted to get the Shanling MC-30. I figured it would be a great all in one solution, but was advised that it won't work well with the Gallos :(. So, if that doesn't work, what's my best bet? I know you guys aren't fond of receivers but it seems easiest to get a decent one and a decent cd player. Or should I get an amp and a cd player. You can tell I don't know what I'm doing. In the past, someone always put my system together for me AND I had alot more $$ to spend than I do now. Sooooooo HELP !

N.B. I list mainly to classical, r&b, and classic rock.
You could look at Arcam or Music Hall or B&K for high end receivers that will push them nicely. None have an ipod dock but all you need is a simple adapter to the ipod headphone jack. Keep in mind that you aren't doing the system justice if you are using mp3 quality. You would need to go "lossless" which takes up a lot more space on the ipod.
Why not start inexpensively with a receiver, it can always be upgraded. If you never intend to use the radio then maybe an integrated amp might be a simpler way to start.
A CD player and your set, the way forward can be as intricate and or complicated and or expenseive as you seek. For now this should do.
Get a used Mcintosh 4100 receiver and an inexpensive CD player. The 3.1's kick ass, so you do not need to spend a lot of money till you're ready. Good luck