Which Sub. Rel B-1 or Fathom F-113

Thinking about adding a sub. to my 2-channel system. I have a pair of Martin Logan Summit's. I am still trying to decide if I realy need a sub. with these fine speakers.
What do people think in matter.

Okay let me chime in here. I've owned a REL Storm which was sold and replaced with a REL Stentor III. Both were used in my room 21x15 which you can reference thru the link under my name. I subsequently sold the Stentor III after I bought a pair of JL audio F113's. The JL's do outperform the REL as stated above. The REL was/is more polite and softer on hard heavy notes, probabaly a hold over from the British mini monitor days where all of their speakers were "polite" sounding.

The REL is a great subwoofer and I'm glad you are happy with it in your room, and your system.The comparison I would make is that the JL plays lower and tighter and louder than the REL ever could. I'm not talking boomy bass either. These are the tightest cleanest subwoofers I have owned to date and I've owned at least four different brands of subs in my 30 years in audio. To make the comparison fair I only used one JL sub when I compared the REL Stentor III and the F113.
I must add to the statement of "no port noise"! You're kidding right? I got my Stentor III to get the port to chuff a couple of times. Not excessively but it still did it. The big advantage the JL has over the REL is the built in ARO to adjust in your room. I shouldn't even bring up the fact that my REL Stentor blew a resistor in it's amp(known problem)that Sumiko initially tried to blame on my Levinson 335 amp,WTF?
I just ordered a JL Fathom F-113 sub.
I own Eggleston Works Andra 2 speakers and Pass Labs Amp and Preamp.

I have moved the Andra's out in the room where I get much better sound stage, but the low bass has suffered.

I do not like the idea of adding more electronics and cables using electronic crossovers.
So, I am planning to use the Andras full range and the JL F-113 to fill in the bottom.

Can the JL's be used successfully in this fashion or do I need an electronic crossover?
Ozzy...I run my X-2 series ll's full range and use my two Gotham's to fill in the bottom. Depending on the input impedance of your amps you might need a tube buffer or something similar as you will be running two loads in parallel. Here is how I solved the problem in my system

Thanks, My Pass Labs Preamp (XP-10) has 2 sets of outputs.
So, will that still be a problem?