Dunlavy SCIV 10

Hi all,

This is my first thread,please bear with me.

I have to replace the woofers for my Dunlavy SCIV, it is a Morel 10" woofer, model name is not written on the drivers, but "Double Magnet 75mm Hexatech Aluminium Voice Coil - Made in England" is written on the magnet. I have looked around and could not find the same driver.

Anybody can help me out on what to do?

Dunlavy used Morel for a bit then he switched to Vifa, then finally switched to Scanspeak.
Hi Tony 007,

Thank you for your clarification mate. Are you very familiar with Dunlavy? I just wonder if I do have to change my Morel to ScanSpeak does anybody have the diagram for the passive? Is there more modification needed for the enclosure?

Rush1, as discussed previously, John Dunlavy's designs required careful tuning of the crossovers to match individual drivers. This was important, in part, to maintain time/phase which he considered so critical. The matching was needed within a given driver model from one manufacturer, let alone when changing from Morel to Vifa or Scanspeak.

I cannot imagine it would be too difficult to mount Scanspeak drivers in your cabinets but it would also require a rebuild for your crossovers. Because of the matching requirements, I don't believe the crossover diagram for the Scanspeak version will get you all the way home. So again, I'll suggest you look into having your Morel drivers repaired. And as I also said, Miller Sound would be a top recommendation for that task.

Good luck.
Hi Pryso,
First of all thank you for your kind attention on my matters mate.

I did contacted MillerSound and asked about the drivers, but apparently they didnot have the same Morel driver. As for the surround foam replacement, they have not replied since.

I asked Millersound whether I can just buy the most similar foam and send them to me, rather than I send the drivers halfway around the world which I feel uneasy about. By the looking at their website MillerSound does seem to be a reputable company.

After your input and recommendation, actually changing the drivers is my last option, so I will send the email again then mate. Hope I can get a solution from them.

By the way, I am inclined to get an integrated SET amp, do you think it will capable to drive the Dunlavy?

Hi again Rush1:

Well, amplifiers! I can only offer my own experience. Since I've owned my Duntech Princess (a sibling to your SC-IV) I owned a variety of amps, tube and SS, rated from 100 to 400 wpc into 8 ohms. My Princesses are 4 ohms so they draw more and are rated at 90 dB. Don't be fooled. The impendance curve drops below 3 ohms at two different frequencies and that crossover we've been talking about is a very complex first order unit. The other factor, which may add to my situation, is that my woofers are Dynaudio. All this adds up to a demand for clean power. About 18 months ago I bought a pair of Halo JC-1 mono amps rated at 800 wpc into 4 ohms. My speakers have never sounded so good. Detail without harshness, extension, depth, musicality, warmth without becoming syrupy --- you can enjoy them for hours without listening fatigue.

A friend brought over a PP 300B amp, thinking with 90 dB they might work. Those amps fell on their face attempting to drive the Princesses. So I cannot image any SET will provide satisfactory performance, let along being optimal. Sorry, Dunlavy's designs need quality watts and a goodly number of them.

PS - The Miller Sound I recommended does repair work. I was not aware they might sell drivers. So I hope your speaking with Bill LeGall.