Recommend me a bright musical Bookshelf speaker.

I have looked at B&W bookshelves and Sonus Faber Concertino/Concerto speakers.
I rejected all of them: too boomy/bassy .
Which bookshelf speakers would give me the most NATURAL sound.
When piano sounds like a piano and strings sound like actual strings and not like a fishing line strung over a plastic bucket.

Thank you.
When piano sounds like a piano and strings sound like actual strings and not like a fishing line strung over a plastic bucket.

I know exactly what you mean in your description....this hyped sound is what most people actually want and it is hardly surprising that manufacturers make what sells!

Try ATC SCM 19 or 20. These are particularly natural sounding and very convincing on piano. Telarc use the 20's for mastering so these are on the neutral side of neutral.