What better to power my 82db Magico Q5

Considering moving to a Soulution 711 states 300watts into 4 ohms. My current Devialet 800 states "Maximum output 2x800W under 6Ω"

Where i get confused is current. the soulution has 145A of current, which is massive. Devialet provides no measurement for current.

What is more important? Current or watts per channel, when it comes to powering a super inefficient speaker like the Q5?
Im using Pass 350.8 on Q3s sounds wonderful look at Pass Xs300 amps they have it all big power and wonderful sound.
Regarding the 145 ampere current spec, see this thread, especially the comments by me and Atmasphere. I think you'll conclude that like most amplifier current specs that is a meaningless number, which has no relevance to real world usage of the amplifier.

I agree with George that a much more meaningful figure for a solid state amp is its ability to double (or come close to doubling) its maximum rated power into halved impedances, down to low impedance values such as 2 ohms.

Although, as always IMO, specs should just be used for preliminary screening and ruling out of candidates that can be identified as unlikely to be good matchups, with the final selection being based on listening if at all possible.

-- Al
Is the reason you want to change the amps is that you are not happy with the sound? Perhaps you are blaming the amps when it might be the speakers?

I have heard the Magico's at Goodwins and Overature, and I have never been impressed with them. Yes they are beautifully made but they are way too dry and they can be bettered by other loudspeakers currently on the market.

Now I am not saying that the match with the Devialet is the right one either. Devialet has a sound which may or may not work for you, unfortunately Devalet doesn't give you any real options to mix and match components or cables to create the sound that you are craving which is why conventional rigs are appealing to many people.

So before you invest crazy money into new and extremely expensive electronics you may want to consider other areas.

Also there are other very powerful electronics setups which are way less expensive than the Solution gear which you might actually prefer.

The new Audia Flight reference line from Italy is a real contender and extremely powerful. I heard it at the last NY Audio Show, sounded great and is more powerful than the solution gear, also the new Thax Teres monoblocks 250 watts 8/350 4 ohm sound fantastic, Key Kim from Stereotimes just bought a pair..