Magnepan 3a's with two bridged krell 1000wpc 8ohms

Has anyone had this setup?
the MG IIIA and two krell 250A bridged to 1000 wats per channel. Will this be over kill.
It will work fine. I would say to be a little careful as you may start to pop the fuses in the Maggie if you push too far.

I found with the older Magnepans that more power usually meant more volume before the bass panel started to rattle and hit the magnets. But you will reach the poor old maggies volume limit quickly.
I remember playing a drum solo on the 1.6 that was louder than real drums I am sure, they could get incredibly loud, most people do not know this, unlike the ribbon tweeter in the 3a which is FAR MORE FRAGILE.
Maggies are a flat and stable 4 ohm load for the most part.

More power the better.
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Overkill? What's that? Funny thing about Maggies is that if you overfeed them, they they don't get fatter.