Best bookshelf monitor under $1000 new or used.

Taking a member's advice and starting a new thread.

I need help picking my first set of speakers and amp!

Right now I'm just running lossless music out of my computer but eventually I would like to get a good player and turntable. So I will need speakers and and amp that will work well with all three of these.

Not really sure at this point what kind of sound I prefer, but I just want something that will blow my mind in quality either way.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Check out NHT M-00 and S-00 for $749 new - they come with built-in amplifiers.
Check out the NHT Threes. They sound great with anything
you throw at them. And they're drop dead gorgeous.
Good luck, dude!
Took a look at those Alon Petite speakers and now I want them!!!! I found a pair in bad condidition for $500 which I think is way too much considering some other prices I saw. Where else do you think I can pick up some of these speakers? Know anybody trying to get rid of a pair?
Also, what kind of yamaha receiver did you end up getting? I might end up going with the same set up and taking your word for it since I'm going to be using my computer as an input for awhile too.
Try the Reference 3a Dulcet.
Other options could be the Rogers LS3/5 or the Spendor 3/5SE, but of course all depends on your listening room dimensions, the amplifier you will use and music preferences.