16K to Spend. Help me make the end all Upgrade.

Hi, I'm in the process of upgrading my speakers; Aerial 10t's. I need to upgrade the speakers for a couple of reasons, one being the waf. I'm looking to get the best 2ch stereo speakers out there for 15-17K. I'm currently looking at Revel Studio2s and Dynaudio Saphires (although I don't think they're physically attractive so waf would be a factor), also possibly interested in JM labs 1037be's. I really wanted to get people's opinions as to what else is out there, what's better or comparable to these speakers. I don't want to upgrade these speakers again so I'm looking for something to hold me over for a long time to come.
Used Salon 2s are in your price range and have appeared here several times lately.
I've been running the Classic Audio Reproductions T3, equipped with the field coil drivers. So far it is the best combination of characteristics I have heard in a loudspeaker.

97db, 20Hz-45Khz, 16 ohms, ultra transparent (rivals any ESL), easy to drive (a 60 watt amp cannot be clipped in most rooms), easy placement (my set is 6" from the rear wall). Nice finish. Any my girlfriend really likes them :)
Geared4me, I've already auditioned the Studio2's and was extremely disappointed in their performance. The Studio2's were the number one speaker on my list but after the audition I wouldn't touch them. I'm looking to audition Avalon Indras in the near future. Somebody else recommended the Usher Be-10s to me but I think those are a bit big to go into my room.
I'm surprised that you don't think the Sapphires are physically attractive. I love Dynaudio speakers, and I find the Sapphire to be the most attractive speaker they've ever produced. I haven't read the whole thread, but if you were choosing just based on physical appearance, what would you choose?
I heard the Classic Audio Reproduction T-3s powered by Atmasphere's OTL amps and the combination is fantastic. I know looks are in the eye of the beholder, but, it does not strike me as being high on the WAF scale, particularly give the size of these speakers.

Perhaps, an appropriate bribe could result in a more favorable rating -- factor that into your price range.