Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor old v new

Interested to hear from anyone who has traded up from the original SF Cremona Auditor to the Auditor M. What are your listening impressions, original versus new?

Bob R

I've heard the old Cremona on four different amps, demo'ed by a dealer that has been selling these forever (that knows how to make them sound their best), and I've never heard them other than slow and muddy and overly soft. Granted, I've never heard them with Linn gear, but as I said before: if it's so fussy on which gear it will sound decent with, I'd rather have a speaker that sounds decent with almost any gear.
As regard to treble: many speakers I listened to (varied from Audio Physic Scorpio, via Focal Electra to Wilson Benesch, Living Voice and Thiel) sounded bright (some even harsh) compared to the new Cremona, whereas the old Cremona sounded soft, like a rounded off valve amp. The only drawback for me is the lack of really deep bass (but that's common with almost any speaker of this size) and perhaps the imaging could have been a tad sharper. Other than that: it's pricetag. ;-)

Your findings is the same as mine.

Heard the cremona many times and it the diddent sound very good, always muddy overly soft and and with some gear BIG uncontroled bottom end.

The export/import dealer that actually sold my cremonas have for many years not liked them at all, then suddenly one day on a hifi forum said the sound like a dream, and he now has a set in his collection.
He heard them with the right gear.

Linn gear sound rather dry, completly naked and uneuphonic , and lean yet very musical and rytmicly saisfing and obaove all very tunefull.
The top of the range klimax 500 solos i have play the music without eny sonic compression at all and have a amazing dynamic headroom that makes them go deeper then enything else i have experinced .
The are also lean, naked sounding

somhave the cremonas balances all the leanness out of the linn and vise versa creating a strange musical synagi that must be heard to be understood.
Old cremona is also very picky to room placment, sure you can get out sound out of them in less then ideal placment but give them a BIG room with tall selling and the really open up.
As stated before the are very sensitiv to what amp and source you use with them.
Are this a good thing or bad?
Franco clearly diddent wanat to make compromises with the org cremona , but have to make them as good so possibel in great room with great amplifires.

The new one is much easyer to place, easyer to find synagetic amps for , to some thats a good thing to each his owen i ges.

In my book the more a speaker changes sonics with different rooms amps the better it is.
Just like old amati it sounded horribel with entrylevel gear but feet it some SET tube power and the are heaven.
That's where our opinions differ then. The common Cremona listener won't get the best out of their speakers according to you. To me that's fine as long as the result still is very pleasing. But the old Cremona dissapoints drastically if specific demands (room placement, gear, roomsize) are not met. Which in most cases makes it a lousy speaker to me. How many people have the patience and determination to work on all the specific speaker demands? Most of them will have turned their backs long ago, writing the speaker off. I can't say I disagree with them.
But it's great that someone like yourself did dig deep and found all the answers.
I have the old Cremonas for 4 years now. I have paired them with all sorts of gear, and they have completely satisfied me. So I find it odd that both you gentlemen make it sound as if the planets have to align before the Cremonas sound musical.