Wilson Sophia2, Watt/Puupy 8, differences?

Ok, so I've auditioned both of these speaker systems (twice no less) and yes, the W/P 8's go deeper in the bass. Yes, the W/P 8's are a little bit more exciting because of their larger dynamic range. I was surprised by how well the Sophia2's did though considering they're half the price of the W/P 8 system. The midrange on both of these guys was very similar. Vocals sounded good on both. I'd love to hear from others out there the pros/cons of these two speakers. The Sophia2 is definitely better bang for the buck. On a Cd that i'm intimately familiar with, the bass on the W/P 8's shook the walls of the room, the Sophia's didn't. The upper end as far as I can remember sounded pretty unmemorable. That is it sounded about right. I would still give the edge in the upper end to the Focals I demoed a couple of weeks ago, their Berilyum tweeter implementation was top notch. Any advice???
I'm going to run the speakers temporarily with an old B&K TX4430 as I just sold my Pass X350 yesterday. I'm thinking of going for a pair of these new Class D amps like a Spectron or something down the line. I can afford the W/P 8's, it's just the more sensible part of me doesn't want to do it lol. In the two sessions where I listened to the speakers; with the first session listening to fast passed rock, I thought there was a little bit more of an immediacy with the W/P 8's than the Sophia2's. With the second session I listened to some slow jazz and except for the bass I didn't hear a difference in the mid-upper ranges. For a smallish room, the W/P 8's might be overkill.
Hi on any good speaker, and especially the Wilsons, your source and other components (pre amps, amps, cables etc) are so very critical.

You maybe better off with Sophia's and better source/amps/cables than WP 8's with lesser electronics. If you can get the WP 8's now and upgrade the rest later...then you know the answer as TVAD already noted...

Good luck.
In a smallish room, you would be able to drive the WP8 with a single Pass Labs XA-30.5 Class A stereo amplifier. Incredibly sweet, magical amp. Doesn't run incredibly hot.

You'd be surprised at what a single XA-30.5 can do, and you'd be even more pleased at how it sounds.

IMO, the honeymoon period with Class D amps, especially on speakers of the caliber of the WP8, would quickly be over as you became aware of the weaknesses of the amps.
Have you heard the Spectron Tvad?
Baraeryo (Threads)

I've heard BelCanto Ref1000, NuForce Ref9SE V2, Channel Islands D200.

I have heard the Pass XA-30.5 and XA-60.5.

These were all auditioned in my home.

My speakers are 93dB (similar to the WP8). The room is 20x16 and opens to a smaller 14x14 room on the rear "wall".

People who hear the new Spectron amps love them, but nothing has sounded as pure and musical as the Pass in my system (other than tubes).

I suppose I'm a purist, and when it comes to speakers of the quality of the WP8, I personally would want to power them with Lamm, ARC, Pass Labs or equivalent.