Anyone heard the Von Schweikert Unifield 3?

Anyone heard the Unifield 3 in their home system? At a dealer? I would like to hear some comments.

Blessings, Bob
I completely concur with Steve's opinions. I too have had the speakers for about 1.5 months now, and they continue to sound better everyday. They have the coherence of the best electrostats with incredible dynamic snap and finesse. I cannot believe the bass I hear from such small sized speakers. The midrange is warm and spot on, and the treble is smooth and extended without sounding strained or grainy.

I am discovering new elements in recordings that I had never heard before. The soundstage is so holographic and the imaging so focused that I am rediscovering all of my extensive CD collection and it has been a great experience.

One word that sums up the speaker is "Live". With absolutely great transparency, accuracy and detail of these speakers, they sound as close to a real live performance as any I have ever heard. Whether it is a piano or a violin, the accuracy of tone is impressive.

I'll write more as and when I discover new things but as of today, after auditioning high end speakers from the likes of Wilson, Pioneer, Usher and the Revels, I must say that the Unifield 3 is worth at least 3 times its asking price and is an absolute bargain.

- Arun
"I must say that the Unifield 3 is worth at least 3 times its asking price and is an absolute bargain." Really? $45K ?
Yes, absolutely, in terms of overall quality of sound. I am sure there are speakers out there that play at auditorium filling levels or that plunge down to below 20Hz, which the Unifield 3 cannot do simply because of the small footprint design. However, in terms of overall coherence, transparency, imaging, soundstaging and purity of sound, it is hard to beat.
I heard a V/S speaker recently at a dealer's home. They were finished beautifully..good looking. They were either the 5 or 7's - can't remember. Anyway, the sound was unacceptable to me or to my friend who was with me at the time. There was little or no bass, no dimensionality, brittle highs, etc. We both looked at each other in amazement. There are lots of posts on Audiogon that say that this brand is questionable at best. Listen to these and others with those prices and make a decision on what you hear...not what you read.
Very strange. You may not like the sound of the VR-5 or the VR-7, since that is subjective, but to say that they have little or no bass is silly. It is like saying the Quads have no coherence or transparency.

Of course I agree with you as far as trusting your ears, and taking any opinion on these forums as a reliable guide and not absolute truth.