Anyone heard the Von Schweikert Unifield 3?

Anyone heard the Unifield 3 in their home system? At a dealer? I would like to hear some comments.

Blessings, Bob
I'll just add a quick second to Fplanner's remarks. I purchased a pair of VR4 iii HSEs from a fellow Audiogoner two years ago, and have been especially impressed with combination of depth and control of the bass response. No question, there are lots of great speakers out there, VS speakers among them, and we're fortunate to have such a range to choose from. Properly set up, VSs are unlikely to disappoint.
Von Schweikert Unifield 3 + Moscode 402 Au at RMAF

The VS Unifield 3 will be pairing up with the
Moscode 402Au at the RMAF '08 show in room 468.

There will also be a show special for the amp
and speakers to show attendees.
Update - Update - Update
The Moscode 402Au will be paired with
the Von Schweikert VR-5 SE Reference Speakers in
room 468.

The Unifield 3 will be at the show in another room.

Come and listen!