Parasound halo JC2 what a joke

Had a jc2 power button fail because the glue that mounted it on fell off ! I guess they glue the input and power buttons on to the face plate . So I sent it out to get fixed , $175.00 with shipping and the repair shop put a small scratch in the face plate . The repair shop is like that must have been there I didn't do it . I call parasound and talked to the owner he said he would talk to the repair shop and call me back . 2 weeks later I called him back and he thinks i'm pulling a fast one on him or something ! If I dinged the front I would have said put a new 1 on . I drive a new caddy I think I can afford it ass$#@# .
Wow , my jc2 is 90* when it's off . My A21 would heat up my listening room playing my martinlogans . Perhaps someone needs to turn up the volume .
"Wow , my jc2 is 90* when it's off"

...and there you go.....the sham is now exposed.
Wow , even stereophile mentioned how the jc1 heated his room . Are you sure it's pluged in .
You're saying a PRE AMP JC2, with no amp section, heats up to 90 degrees when it's off. You're also saying you have reliably measured this with some device, and it was bang on 90 degrees, and not some number you picked out of the air.

I'd say you should sell everything and start over.