Should I upgrade from B&W CDM 7SEs to Quad 22L2s

I have endured my current setup for about a year now. Been in this addiction for about that long. I am driving the B&Ws with a Rotel BB-1080. Source is a CI-Audio VDA-2 fed by a squeezebox, with a Monolithic PA-1 preamp. I am about to upgrade my amp to an Odyssey Stratos Stereo with upgraded caps. Wanted advice as to whether I should change out my speakers for the Quads. Don't know where I can audition the Quads here in Minneapolis, so was hoping to get some input as to the virtues of going ahead with this switch. My main problem the B&Ws is its harsh treble. I am hoping the new amp will smooth it out, but I am pretty pessimistic about that. Will the Quads be less treble heavy, and overall a better speaker. Thanks in advance for all counsel.
I have a pair of B&W CDM 7NT in my second system and have also experienced a little brightness in the treble. I think your new amp will help smooth out the treble and try experimenting with different speaker cables. I found the speaker cables tend to make more of a difference with the treble.
I agree, the Rotel will sound more bright with the CDM7's than the Odyssey, I live in MPLS and if you would like to hear Odyssey Lorrelei's with Odyssey mono's, send me an e-mail. I also have CDN7's in my 2nd system with Rotel.
I have a pair of 22L2s (bought them specifically to get away from harsh brightness I found with a pair of Monitor Audio Silver 8s). The Quads work very well with warmer solid state gear and present a nice soundstage and good bottom end response. Beautiful finish too.

A cheaper route might be to skip the Quads and buy several pairs of used upper end ICs and power cords and mix/match for a sound that suits your taste since the Quads can be a little bright with the certain gear. Just resell the ICs/cords you choose not to keep. I had to do that with the Quads i own once I switched amps from a Musical Fidelity integrated to a Sunfire TGA5200.