Balanced Interconnect Cable for ATC Active Monitor

I´m loocking for IC cable for active monitor like ATC SCM50A or SCM100A.
Anybody knows which ones Telarc use ?
Please let me know your experience, suggest and recomendations.
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I want to know what Telarc use because, as you saw, there are a litle number of Audiogon members that have exprience with powered monitors like ATC, Genelec, PMC or Adams.
Thank you Shadorne.
We've supported balanced line operation longer than anyone else in high end audio- if you want a good quality inexpensive interconnect that works great with the ATC, Mogami Neglex '4-wire' cable is a great way to go.

Balanced line operation was devised to reduce or eliminate interconnect cable problems, meaning that if your balanced line system is set up properly, short and expensive cables will not be required, even for reference level work. In this case what this also means is that the preamp should have the ability to drive long interconnects (over 50 feet)- check with the manufacturer to see if that is the case! If not, you will also have to spend real cash on the cable too, so this quality in the preamp is very important!
Pay attention to Atmaspheres' suggestion; I did, and am veriy satisfied with the Mogami Neglex balanced cables Ralph recommended.