Amps under $5k that are resolving at low volumes?

Considering upgrading from a PrimaLuna Premium Integrated amp, its wonderful but you can't play it at low volumes for enjoyment. I wasn't able to tolerate SS gear at or below the $2k price of the Prima Luna when I bought but am open minded about gear costing more... liked the Modwright integrated when I heard it. Any opinions on amps (integrated or power amp only) with the mid range virtues of the Prima Luna but better low volume/low level detail resolution under $5k?
"03-15-15: Robr45
Isn't this more a function of the speakers?"

No. All of the components contribute. Not only that, but you can have a situation where one component can stop all the others from performing to their potential. For example, I have an amp that doesn't image well. When I put it in a system that otherwise has components that excel in imaging, the whole system is brought down to the level of the amp. It makes it sound like all of the components have an imaging problem.
I would concur that the Maggies may be the main factor with the low level resolution.
Having owned 3 different pair, low level detail is not what they are about.
If you are after low level resolution I would recommend full range electrostatics or horns.
Best set-up I ever owned for low volume listening was a Pathos Twin Towers into Vienna Acoustics Mozart's ... a close second was a Cary 300SEI into ProAc 1SC's
Actually I have no problems with the 1.7's sounding shrill... every shrillness concern I had with them resolved to be caused by other components. But full disclaimer also... I replaced many of the "no name" original crossover capacitors in my 1.7's with Clarity CAP ESA's and Mundorf Supremes

The original reviewer criticisms of the PL Premium integrated were 2 fold (1) weak lower octave (2) a dissatisfaction with ability to resolve at lower volume levels. KT-150's have addressed the bass short comings but I fully agree that you can't get good enjoyment with the amp at less than "robust" volume... my old Hafler did better at low volumes.