Vandersteens and room acoustics

I own a pair of Vandersteen 2Ce sigs with an Anthem power amp and Rogue preamp, and VPI Scout.
The Vandys sound really good but from past auditioning sessions, I believe they can sound better. I'm not sure how I would accomplish that (outside of new equipment) and I'm wondering if there are room treatments that would help in this room.
My listening room is 8W X 13L X 7H, obviously a less than ideal setup. The Vandys and component rack are on one short wall with the centers of the speakers about 5 feet apart.
The backs of the speakers are a little over a foot out from the front wall.
The "out" sides of the speakers are about a foot from the side walls. The best listening position I've found is about 6 feet away. The floor is reasonably thick carpet over cement slab with padding, obviously. The walls are bare.
Are there treatments that you would recommend? I have seen some sorts of traps behind Vandys and other speakers in system pics here, and elsewhere. What change would that give me? What about acoustic (whatever) on the side walls? Thanks in advance for any help.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkmulkey
If you check my systems page my room is challenging as well
Adding Gik Panels and Tri traps made a significant difference.
Check them out you won't be dissapointed
Agree with Stevecham also. Check my system page for pics of the Aurelex products. They can be found at Guitar Center stores. They are good for first reflection points and not too pricey.
I owned a pair of the 2CE sigs and had them in a room that was about 10x11. I could never get them to sound their best. You need to have some space between the listening position and the speakers to get proper driver integration. In the small space I much preferred the 1Cs over their big brother. Good luck.
Thank you. I truly appreciate the feedback.
I do have one other option which is the main floor living room. I'm single no WAF to consider.
The dimensions are about 13W X 15L X 9H, but it's not completely sealed at one end and at one corner.
It has one long wall and opposite that is a railing to the downstairs, where the current listening room is.
If I put the rack and speakers along the railing, that would give me over 8' behind the speakers, and at least 3' on side of each speaker.
Or does it make more sense to put the speakers opposite the railing, on the long wall and a couple of feet from the wall?
The short walls are 13' and 8', as that is where the hallway is.
Thanks again.
I would try putting the speakers with their backs to the solid long wall firing towards the balcony railing. I would place them about 4ft out into the room, 9ft apart, and put the listening chair just in front of the rail. That might just work!

A room doesn't have to be sealed to work well, don't worry so much about the openings except they do affect bass response and can cause an 'imaging' imbalance if you set up speakers so one speaker is adjacent to a wall and the other is adjacent to an 'open space' (there is another thread up right now on that issue.

FWIW I personally prefer the sound of speakers located on a short wall when ever possible. The sound seems more resonant/warm/natural, and on a long wall it has sounded cleaner/cooler/more clinical. But it might not be so in you home so give each wall (or open space).
I had 2ci's and they really sounded best far from any walls (3 feet or more away). If you want to stick to the smaller room, see about trading the 2's for smaller vandy's. This is one time to downsize. Otherwise, room treatments, lots of them may make the room sound bigger.