Good speakers at low volume?

It's a known fact that a lot of speakers "come alive" when they reach at least moderate volume levels. However, since I live in an apartment, I'm looking for a good speakers where I won't lose all the details while playing at low volumes. In that respect Audio Physic speakers are great, full of detail, unfortunately they lack dynamics for me when I happen to listen to rhythm driven music. I'm thinking 4-8K price range (Dynaudio, Dali...). Any suggestions are appreciated.
IMHO a nice tubed SET sounds best at low to mid volume. Thats one of its big advantages, you don't crank the volume to enjoy the sweet spot. I have Cain and Cain Abby's and the sound is phenomenal at low to mid volume. The only music that they don't do well is hard rock and LARGE orchestral, and even then they are nice. I am a big jazz fan and they perfect for that.
Yes, I know of what you speak, as the first DNM pre-amp I had presented this issue. When I got the DNM 3-D six Mr. Morecroft was able to set the gain and VC up with much more usable range....I am one of the few that likes the dual VC as it serves as an excellent balance feature and with the expanded range I had no problems dialing it in at low volumes
I was under the impression that DNM could make this "adjust" to any of their pre amps....ut one would have to confirm this
It seems that most everyone missed the point of my post regarding the Fletcher-Munson effect. The fact is that NO speaker will sound the same at both low volumes and high volumes because of this physiological reason. If a speaker sounds full and detailed at low volumes it will sound bloated and hot at moderate/high volumes. What you are seeking does not exist. Really the only way to make this happen is through equalization (like the infamous "loudness" button I mentioned or through a graphic equalizer/tone controls).
Hi everybody,
Apologies if this has been addresed before in the thread. I´ve read most of it but perhaps I´ve missed one or two.
-- I´ve been reading in the Audiogon threads that something you can do when in this situation --not being able to go to even moderately high volumes-- is get an attenuator? Apparently it can allow you to turn the volume know past 12?
Right now, I am totally having this problem: I just got a pair of Yamaha NS 200M and I am not even able to go from 7 (zero) to eight in the dial!!
What do you think?