fathom f113 vs. 2 velo. dd-10 s


I'm debating if I should go for 2 dd-10s or 1 jl fathom f113. I've never heard the dd-10 in person but have heard the f113 and it blew me away. My room is 20x20x9 and would mostly be used for HT but maybe 30% music. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Even two DD12 wont sound as good as one F113. I had them all. Go for the F113.
I have an f113 and it's the best sub I've ever heard or worked with. So easy to integrate. That said, why not consider 2 f112's?
go for the fathom --I have 3--1in HT and 2 in my 2ch system---------best subs I have ever owned--rich