Speakers that disappear

Here is a description of a speaker found in TAS, the recommended components issue:
"... simply don't sound like other speakers. The Xes are tonally neutral and nearly sonically invisible; voices and instruments don't seem to be coming from drivers in frames or boxes. Instead they hang in space, free-standing objects that are so three-dimensionally "there" that listening to *them* is like going to a play, where listening to other speakers is like going to the movies."
What affordable(under $15k) speakers fit this description?
Tvad is absolutely right - set them up on your front lawn for a couple of days - they are sure to disappear.
Second the Gallos. Their disappearing act is downright spooky. I had a group of people in my listening room yesterday and one woman asked, "Where is the sound coming from?" despite the fact that they were in clear view right in front of her.
The Morrison Audio speakers disappear sonically. And with good reason: their design and implementation. Typical front-firing box speakers will struggle (and usually fail) to achieve the goal, but the Morrisons -- both the Model 7 and the Model 17 -- succeed with fantastic results.

If you deem under $15k as affordable, then you'll find the Morrisons to be the bargains of a lifetime. You could buy a few pair of Model 7s well under that price-point, and spend the rest on going to concerts and buying recordings.

Don Morrison gives a very clear explanation on how to create the illusion we audio lovers hope to achieve, which can be found here: http://www.morrisonaudio.com/morrison_donsview.htm.

Information on the Model 7 is found in the "What's New" section. I own a pair and couldn't be happier.
I thought I'd put my two cents in...haven't heard that many speakers, but Audio Physics are great in terms of disappearing. If it wasn't for a bit of lack of bass and dynamics, I'd buy them without hesitation...