Dynaudio or B&W

I have a pair of B&W 703s and am thinking about going to a pair of Dynaudios. I purchased a pair of Focus 140s for my other system and just love them. I have been tossing around the idea of the 220s or the X36s. I may go Contour as well but the hang-up is cash. It could happen though. I am using a Jolida JD-1000RC which is plenty for the 703s and I would suspect plenty for the Dyns as well. I listen to everything from classical to metal. Any opinions welcome.

I recently owned a pair of B&W CDM 9 NTs (the predecessor of the 703s) and just purchased a pair of Dynaudio Contour S 3.4s. I should point out at that I have always been fairly displeased with the very lively metal dome tweeter in the CDM series. Having said that, the Dynaudio is superior in every way to my CDMs and I cannot imagine someone being anything but enamoured with these speakers. I also listen to a very wide range of music and have been re-discovering my collection since acquring the Dyns.
The one thing that may concern me is your amp. To my understanding, the Jolida is rated at 100 wpc. I found that with the lower sensitivity and 4 ohm load, the Countours require a lot of power to play loudly. I find i am pushing my 400w Mac MC402 to higher levels than usual to reach satisfying SPLs. That being said, 100 watts of high quality tube power should suffice.
Since you can probably get around $2500 for the 703 if you choose to sell them, the financial loss for a used pair of Contour 3.4 is almost nil (there is one for sale here for $2300).
Synergy is everything. I have had one pair of Dynaudios, the 70 series. Admittedly not their top of the line, but I believe they are consistent with their sound and philosophy. Watts is not the issue. The answer to your question lies in what you like as a reproduction of live music- do you hear more life-like sound out of the Dynaudios, or the B&Ws? Only you can decide.
I have the Dyn C1's and am using a Bryston B100 sst rated at 100w @ 8 ohms and 180w @ 4 ohms. Sounds great to me and others. Dyns like B&W love power. Dyns have a great high end where the B&W (even D series) are a little bright and too forward for my taste. Like Adamg I too have been re-discovering my cds (not into pottery wheels oops I mean turntables and vinyl - too much work and money) since I got the Dyns.
Depends on if you like the sound of the B&W. I found the sound of the Dynaudio to be quite a bit different. For classical music, I generally prefer the B&W, but I haven't owned or spent a lot of time listening to the 703.

I was really surprised with the Jolida. This was my first experience with tube gear and was hesitant on lower power. I had a pair of Bryston 7Bst Mono Amps so I was used to huge amounts of solid state power. The Jolida was modified with a larger better power supply and all the other goodies. Down the road I plan to buy some heftier tube amplification but should be fine for now.