Dynaudio or B&W

I have a pair of B&W 703s and am thinking about going to a pair of Dynaudios. I purchased a pair of Focus 140s for my other system and just love them. I have been tossing around the idea of the 220s or the X36s. I may go Contour as well but the hang-up is cash. It could happen though. I am using a Jolida JD-1000RC which is plenty for the 703s and I would suspect plenty for the Dyns as well. I listen to everything from classical to metal. Any opinions welcome.

As a former B&W owner, (DM 620's), I ordered a pair of 804's. In the meantime, I listened to a pair of Dyn Contour 3.4's, and fell in love with them, but I had convinced myself that I couldn't afford a pair of $5000 speakers. I then listened to all the B&W's from the 804 on up. None of them did for me what the Dyn Contour 3.4 did. I then was told about a pair of Contour 5.4 demos that were available for the same price as the new 3.4's. I bought them, and have been very happy ever since. My system has improved by leaps and bounds in the three years since I got them, and I don't think I will ever need to change speakers again in my lifetime. I'm sure either the 3.4's or 5.4's would really satisfy you.

Best of luck,
I made the switch from B&W to Dynaudio about 8 years ago and have never looked back. I currently own 3 pairs of Dynaudio speakers ranging from the entry-level Audience line up to the Confidence line. I've had no problems driving my C2's and C4's with a 125 wpc (@ 8 ohms) Plinius amp. You'll be fine with the Jolida driving the 3.4's. Go for it... you won't be sorry!
I have a set of Dyn's S5.4's and think they are fantastic.I demoed the B&W's but could not get interested.
I power the Dyns with a Cary 120s amp without any problems whatsoever.I also have 3runs of Ocos wire to each which is a match made in heaven..(stuff is hard to find and pricy new from dealers)If I wasn't going to run Ocos I would be using Naim NACA5 wire.A good match with Dyns..Looking foward to getting some C4's in a few years.
Get the Dyns and sit back and enjoy
Personally I think the 5.4's sound great with most music but NOT and I repeat, not heavy metal or most hard rock. Maybe because they are so revealing and a lot of the harder type music is not recorded very well but when I brought mine home it really changed the way I listen to music. If I need my head banging fix I just go to the garage system. Make sure you audition them with your kind of music not the stuff they play in the audio salons before you buy them.
IMO.. Dynaudio,no brainer.B&W runs a distance third in the Dyn/Focal/B&W race.Ive owned all 3 and never felt the B&Ws did anything special..Focal would be a better choice over B&W as well...