good speaker with Sound stage behind????

Any recommendations for tower speaker in price range $ 1500 where the soundstage is more in the back. I currently an listening to new Monitor audio RS8 and the soundstage sounds more forward to me.I even get a slight headache form listening.I have about 50 hours on them. Previously had NHT 2.5i which soundstage appeared behind but speaker to bright.

I had that kind of soundstage with JM Labs Electra 926's .
High deep and wide . But I also could get some staging right in front of me , as you complain about , and some behind me ! All with the same set up .

What I am eluding to is the fact that , at least a bit of it , is dependent on the recording and some of it will depend on the accompanying equipment .

And , as mentioned above , it can be dependent on your speaker arraingement as well .

Good luck .
what is behind your speakers and how far the speakers ae out into the room from the wall behind them? if there's a reflective surface behind the speakers and they're too close to it, then you are chasing the impossible.

As far as speakers, look into Dynaudio Contour 1.8, some of the Vienna Acoustics that fit your price range, may be Sonus Faber.
Dipoles and bipoles and omnis (oh my!) can do what you are describing, if positioned out away from nearby reflective room boundaries.

dealer/manufacturer/into dipoles and bipoles
I went from Monitor Audio Silver S8's (model before the one you own) to Quad 22L2's. Big improvement in every respect. The hard dome tweeter on the MA's is fatiguing.
Brit speakers are typically more forward than US speakers...Vandies,thiel, and Magnepan come to mind