New Focal Grande Utopia EM

I just auditioned the long-awaited Focal Grande Utopia EM at Digital Ear in Tustin. This is in Southern California and I believe they are the first in the country to have these beauties. These speakers perform like nothing else I have ever heard and have officially out-classed everything else in the top speaker category. This setup was being actually broken in on a Mcintosh C2300/MC1.2kW/Esteric P-03+D-03 setup. Again, I am wondering if anyone else out there have heard these and their thoughts.
Well, there are two Nova "equivalents". The one with the EM woofer will clock in around that ballpark.
It is a tempting speaker, but not that tempting. Smart move though, they are going after the extreme top end. I will wait for it to come up used in 5 years. By then with inflation 90K will be chump change. I just hope my pay increase to compensate.
PKANCEL, aren't you the one that owns Digital Ear in Tustin? Of course you will say it sounds good. How is this a smart move, producing a $180,000 speaker in this economy? Sorry even the guys that normally have that kind of money are not going to spending it anytime soon.
Hi There!

I belive the guys in France did not calculate with this economical situation. I write from Europe, I heard that the previous Utopia line was very popular in the States.

As a thechnical phenomena, I really like the sound of Focal. I use a pair of Electra 906 plus the SW900 sub. I think probably this new gear, is very good. Personally I will listen it if I have a chance. A few years later I would like to have the previous Nova BE.

Thomas Gojdar
Stricken, I wish!!! Oh, I wish so much I was the owner to play with all of these toys!! I am unfortunately a hobbyist and am regularly contracted by Broadcom and have shopped for systems there over the years. As far as the economy and products and the timing, I guess it is a world problem. Nobody in the world has control over anything right now. It seems like the world is running scared and I think it is funny. People are either over-optomistic and spend all of their money or they get absorbed by fear and hide every penny. Neither method is the right one.