Usd 4k speaker recommendation pls

I need recommendation for bookshelf speaker usd 4-5k. I listen more to vocal and sometimes jazz.

My dealer recommend talon hawk used for above price. Anyone has opinion on this speaker?

Or other better speaker? Thx
There are hundreds of options - what have you used in the past and what are you looking for. If you like vocal then a good midrange is a must.

The B&W Nautilus 805 should defintely be on your audition list - I am not a B&W fan but this particular model is a "keeper" - an absolute no brainer in terms of performance for value...
Both Spendor and Harbeth have strong followings among those who listen to a lot of vocal and acoustic music. I have the Spendor SP1/2E and I simply love its naturalness and ease with well recorded material.

The only problem is that you will spend less than your budget if you buy a pair used. (I think the new SP1/2Rs run around $5K and SP1/2Es run $1,200 to $2,500 used depending on age and condition.)

Harbeth is also very well regarded and run slightly higher than Spendor.

They are well worth an audition.