RMAF 2008 - Your impressions,...

I know there's still few hours to go but I was wondering what my fellow Audiogoners think of RMAF 2008. What equipment left great impression, even what was a bit of a let down...As for me, it was my first year and my time was very limited, but I have to point out Emerald Physics for their CS1 and CS2, which are great speakers, selling for much less (esp. CS2) than you would think. They sound a bit different than what most of us are used to due to their unique design. Unfortunately their need for two amps make it little difficult to integrate them in my system, otherwise they'd be on top of my list. I also have to mention AV123 and GR-Research whose X-static speakers must be one of the best bargains on the market (I know, we all have heard it before...), anybody looking for a $1000 dollar speakers (and even much more) need to give these a listen.
Anyone listen to the Ridge Street Sason speakers? A few of us are interested as they are tricky to listen to, unless you live in the dark outposts of the midwest.
Dcstep, I would entirely agree about the Utopias, but would broaden this. It clearly shows why shows as were dealers important. Everyone loved different things. I am always amazed that the Reference 3A Grand Veenas are not among the top listings of "best sounding" rooms.

I visited many expensive rooms with many sitting in rapt attention, that I needed only 2 seconds to decide they were unworthy of any further listening FOR ME. I participated in many A/B comparisons at RMAF again, and once again there was disagreement. All that matters to me, of course, is whether I like A versus B. Frequently reviewers and even manufacturers are involved and I sometimes think, many cannot hear. This happened often but I think, No they just listen for different things. But it lowers my willingness to give credence to their reviews and products.
I must add, and with a nod to Dcstep, that the two Soundings rooms were great. It is clear to me that Master Set works and is significant in important, musical ways. I am re-dedicating myself to doing the setup here at home as best I can from the Master Set "bootleg" instructions.
Playback Design-Did anybody get a feel for the two rooms where the Playback Designs unit was utilized?
I find that I can get to know reviewers over time, even here on A'gon. When I'm able to do that, their input is valuable to me. As you say, others may have different tastes and would be mistaken to follow the same reviewer's lead.

One example is Art Dudley at Stereophile. There's very little that he likes that I'd put in my system. I'm not knocking Art, just saying that he and I come from two different angles. I learned this over a period of time. I still read his reviews, since he only chaps my ass when he gets political, which I hate in my audio reading. ;-(
